048. werewolf cure

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The next morning, they're at the hospital after the doctor called them and informing them that Hayden died last night.

"Thanks for coming by so quickly. Mrs. Foster gave us your number." The doctor says.

"You have any idea what happened to her?" Dean asks.

"Autopsy's tomorrow, but it could be an arterial embolism, cardiac arrest." The doctor says.

"A heart attack at her age?" Sam asks.

"It gets weirder. When we admitted her, she had defensive wounds to her arms." The doctor says. "Now..." He pulls black the sheet that's covering Hayden, everything but her head and arms covered by another sheet. "They're gone."

A phone rings and it's the doctor's.

"Just, uh, give me a second." The doctor walks out of the room.

"Okay... what the hell?" Billy asks.

"You checked Hayden out. Did you notice anything weird?" Dean asks Mick.

"No, but, uh, the girl could've had internal injuries or..." Mick says.

"But somehow, her external injuries all healed? No way." Sam says. "This is almost like, uh... you know, what if she turned?"

"What, like, "wolfed out" turned?" Dean asks.

"It would explain the healing." Billy says.

"Yeah, no, but that'd be crazy because that means she would've been bit. And Mick here says that that didn't happen. Right, Mick?" Dean asks.

"Uh... uh, no, not-not that I saw." Mick says.

"Are you 100%?" Sam asks.

"Unless I made a mistake." Mick says.

"Hell of a mistake." Dean comments.

"Dean..." Sam says.

"No, I told you we shouldn't have dragged him along. I told you!" Dean says.

"Can we-- can we not fight?" Daphne meekly questions.

"Okay, guys, guys." Billy steps in, noticing his sister's discomfort. "The werewolf is still out there." He reminds.

"Okay. So let's say the night of the attack, wolf ices big bro, chomps down on little sis, and then... poof, vanishes?" Dean asks. "Does that make any sense?"

"Maybe he let her go." Sam suggests.

"On purpose? Why would he do that?" Billy asks.

"Perhaps he didn't want her dead. He wanted her turned." Mick says.

"Right. Which means this wasn't random." Sam says.

"Which means it would've been somebody who knew her. Friends, family." Dean says.

"Or someone form the bar." Daphne adds.

"Okay. All right, Sam, you and the kids, you go talk to the girl that she was supposed to be crashing with, and me and amateur hour will the bar, see what shakes loose." Dean says.


Sam and the siblings are outside the high school.

"Okay... I'll go in alone. Or... well, actually, no, Billy can come." Daphne says.

"Wha-- what, I'm just supposed to stay here?" Sam asks.

"Yes. Because they'll find people their age more appealing to talk to then some old dude." Daphne says and Sam looks at her offended.

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