Chapter 2.13

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And I run them lapsround everybody's mind 🎵

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And I run them laps
round everybody's mind 🎵


The future has always been something uncertain for me, there have been events in my life that have often surprised me.

The future surprises me, we don't know what will happen and technically, he doesn't even exist. But all we do is thinking about him.

We learn something today, so this knowledge can be used tomorrow.

The future is uncertain.

Without conviction.

A real unknown.

Not even my new gift of foresight could help me understand or anticipate certain events.

If I had the opportunity, I would have changed many things in my past.

Things that happened and I ended up paying in the uncertain future. Things that scared me and for a long time, I lived at the mercy of them.

But even in the darkest phase of my life, it didn't stop me from moving forward. It may have taken a while, but I managed to get to my turning page.

My turning page happened at the exact moment I decided to turn my back on the world that insisted on letting me down.

When I decided to stop sitting and drinking to forget about my pain. When I decided to stop running and face what was making me afraid.

When I decided to stop fearing myself.

Everything in my life changed after I undid Hex in Westview. My view of the world in general changed after I lost my only safe haven.

For fifteen years I lived in fear of anything that might lurk in the shadows of street corners, I grew up that way. I grew up being hunted like an animal because of my uniqueness. I grew up knowing that I have something that people fear and that's why they wanted to kill me. This abruptly affected my mental health.

I grew up with a lot of paranoia buried in the darkest parts of my mind, having a hard time trusting people for fear that they would end up being just another one of the people who wanted to kill me.

But the difference is that before I had two people I could count on. My parents. They tried so hard for me, putting me in front of anything or anyone. Fighting for me as hard as I would fight for them.

We stayed together and together we were strong. But then tragedy struck and I was left alone.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know who to trust. There was no one else with me, just loneliness.

Loneliness kept me company and I felt condemned to it. Solitude can be a good thing to experience at times, solitude and silence can be a way to freedom. But there is a distressing factor about loneliness, her it can be very cruel when you end up adopting it as a home.

ETERNALLY MARKED ♤●♤ Klaus Mikaelson (BEING RESTRICTED)Where stories live. Discover now