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may 28th, 2018

I WAKE UP TO AN EMPTY BED. But there's a glass of water and medicine waiting for me on my bedside table.... My head is throbbing. I guess that's what you get when you spend an entire day crying.

I down the water, and the pill, and then get out of bed. The air is cold, the floor is cold, and I shiver. I grab the first thing I see and put it over my pyjama top.

I tiptoe out of my room, the floor was waaaay too cold, sending shivers down my spine and encouraging me to just walk away.

I walk into my kitchen, and I am met by one surprising sight. Scarlett cooking and dancing around my kitchen. I lean in the doorway and watch as she uses a wooden spatula as a mic and sings Dancing Queen. She seems to be having the time of her life while making waffles and cooking bacon.

"Hi." I say to make my presence known, and she jumps, hand to her chest.

"Lita!" She laughs. She walks towards me to grab my hand and grads me closer to her. Her snakes her arms around my waist, and we dance together for a little while, swaying and making me twirl. "Oh, you do look nice in my clothes." She notices her Christmas jumper on me.

"We should probably talk." Even though I don't want to, we'll have to have this talk eventually. I just want to rip off the bandage now, before it can hurt even more. I take a seat at the table, the sound of the chair against the floor hurting my ears, why did I do that?!

She finishes the food and starts to plate it before sitting next to me, "Actually, I was thinking... The talk can wait until I come back, I'm only in New York for a little bit. I- I don't want to spend the little amount of time that we have together talking. I want to spend it with you, and Rose... Doing something fun, as a family. So, how about, after breakfast, you come with me and get Rose and spend the day with us?"

Okay, she does have a point.

"Yeah! That sounds like a plan." It's easy to say yes if I'm being honest, I mean why would I say no? Thanks, Erin for forcing me to take my day off today as well. "When do you have to go back?" I ask, knowing damn well I don't wanna know the answer.

I lean my head on her shoulder as she sighs, and it's clear she doesn't want to think about it too.

"Tomorrow morning. But hey, I'll be back soon! It'll fly by so fast, and then I'll be all yours." She concludes, grabbing my hands and stroking the back of them with her thumbs.

That's so soon, this time tomorrow... she'll be gone.

Okay let's not think about this; Let's not– let's focus on Scarlett and Rose, our day. And when she comes back, we'll have some time together. It's gonna be okay, and time will fly by and it'll be so worth it.

I reluctantly nod and when breakfast is over, we finally move to go get ready. Scarlett seems to be having fun looking through my clothes, I can already see her eyeing some of my things. I guess I'll have to hide though before they start to disappear one by one.

She ends up picking one outfits for herself, then mine as well. I didn't have the heart to stop her. Then getting ready is a mess, we keep dumping into each other in the bathroom.

Before I know it, our shoes are on, I'm loving the front door, and we're out on the way to Scarlett's.

The ride is filled with small chatter, mostly trying to figure out how the next few hours are gonna go until Scarlett has to leave, trying to find ways to spend as much time as possible knowing this time she wouldn't be able to fly back to NYC until the end of her shoot.

When we arrive, we're quick to enter the building and go up to Scarlett's floor. She unlocks her door and I just wait behind her, awkwardly as if I've never been to her flat before. The door swings open and Melanie meets us in the lobby. The two do some small talk and I'm just standing there, not really knowing what to do with myself.

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