୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢.

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july 22nd, 2018

JUST A FEW MINUTES AND I'LL BE REUNITED WITH MY GIRLS. Can these people in front of me just hurry up already?! It doesn't take forever to walk out a plane now, does it?! And I have to go through immigration, get my suitcase and stuff. I'm so over all of this.

I finally get out of the plane, and hurry to get my luggage. I feel like it's gonna take forever.

10 minutes... nope.

15 minutes and still nothing.

20 minutes, people are starting to get their luggage, but I don't see mine.

30 minutes, there it is.


With my feet safely on the ground, my baggage with me, and immigration and customs cleared, I have finally "truly" arrived at my destination, and I am ready to head home. I leave the area and head towards the exit. I look around for a second and spot two figures standing together, holding a piece of paper with "Welcome home Mama" written messily on it. Yep, that's them. I start heading towards them, they haven't noticed me yet. As I get closer, Lita notices me first, then Rose, who just gasps, simply just lets go of Lita's hand to run and launch herself in my arms. "Mamaaaaa!" I stop walking and bend down to catch her. When her body collides with mine, I get a hold of her and hold her tightly. I wrap an arm around her and my other hand found her hair, holding her head close to my heart.

"Aww I've missed you. I've missed you so, so much my baby." We stay like for this a few more moments. I have no idea how long we've been hugging, quite frankly I don't care because we have a month and a half worth of cuddles to make up for.

Rose is the first one to let go, and I take it as my cue to let go as well. I slowly get up from the dirty floor and quickly look around, in search of the Lita. My eyes find her, but she doesn't feel real. If I'm being honest none of this does. Maybe it's because I'm tired, I didn't sleep on the place. I just can't seem to believe I'm back.

She opens her arms, not saying anything, but I don't budge. "Come here." And that's all I need to throw myself in her arms. "I'm so glad you're home."

"I'm so happy to be home." Our hug however doesn't last long as Rose desperately tugs on my pants. I sadly pull away from Lita to give Rose the attention she's demanding.

"We got you presents mama!" She tells me all excited, running to get the bag from Lita before handing it to me. "Flowers, and cookies, and we made another card! Look!" She fished into the bag, pulling out a card. It's colourful to say the least, I recognize Rose's messy writing and drawings and smile at Lita's little note inside. Rose drew a house with three people around and that's just the cutest thing.

"Aww it's gorgeous baby. Did you make it yourself?" I question, admiring the piece of paper in my hand. Carefully not to damage it, I slip it in my bag where it's safe. Rose nods, answering my question, before asking for a cookie. "We'll eat the cookies at home yeah?"

"But I want one now." She whines. I look up at Lita, neither of us having the energy to deal with a tantrum now. I quickly open the box and give Rose the smallest cookie I can find. "Thank you."

"Come on Rose, let's take mama home."

The three of us walk out the airport hand in hand. Rose on my left and Lita on my right. The brunette insisted in carrying the suitcase and Rose is happily munching on her cookie. Honestly, this just feels right.

We get to the parking lot in peace, no paparazzi in sight. Lita loads up the suitcase in the boot and I get Rose in her car seat. We leave the airport singing to Disney music from Rose's playlist. Let me tell you one thing I didn't miss : Rose's obsession with Gaston's song from Beauty and The Beast.

𝑳𝑨 𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑼𝑿 𝑭𝑳𝑬𝑼𝑹𝑺Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя