୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢.

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april 17th, 2018

TODAY'S MY DAY OFF, FINALLY. I have been waiting for this all week

I surpised myself and actually texted Scarlett last night, asking Rose and her if they wanted to go walk the dog with me today. I wasn't expecting anything, I mean... I don't have Julie and Lucas with me so it'll be just me and I'm not sure that-

Calm yourself down Lita.

Anyway, she said yes. They're gonna stop by later this morning so I need to get ready like now.

"Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire qu'elle ait dit oui, Anna. What is my life?!" I rent to my fish. She's a great listener I'll give her that. We continue to talk... I continue to talk for a while until I hear a knock on my door. (translation : I still cannot believe she said yes.)

"Wait wait wait, il est quelle heure?" It's only 9:15, they weren't supposed to be here before 10:30. Ah, I'm also not dressed, I'm only wearing a robe. (translation : what time is it?)

I rush to my bedroom and grab the first things I can get my hands on. Sweatpants and a sweater from my grandpa that I stole... Yeah, that'll do for now. In my bathroom I find some hair ties. Perfect! Waffle decides to get in my way, now is not the time buddy. This reminds me exactly why I got a fish.

I make a run to the front door, and quickly unlock it. I open the door and give the two blondes a smile.

"Hey! ...Everything okay?" Scarlett asks seeing the state I am in. My hair is still a mess, my clothes don't really match it's almost as if I got dressed in the dark which is kind of true when I think about it.

"Hi hi hi! Yeah sorry I was getting dressed." I explain. Our conversation end at that and we're just standing there like two idiots. I completely forget to welcome them in.

God, Lita...

"DOGGIE!" The dog nudge my legs, and Rose bends down to pet him. I don't have the heart to remind her of Scarlett's inside voice rule, and for what I can see neither does Scarlett.

"Rose meet Waffle. Waffle this is Rose." I say as if the dog understands me. Waffle sniffs Rose and once he gets comfortable he starts to play with her a bit, letting her pet him.

"Where's Nemo?!" She says when she remembers what Anna. She jumps on her two feet and I guide her through my flat, Scarlett trailing close behind her. When we arrive into my living room, I pick her up under her armpits and hold her up in front of Anna's tank. She's too tiny to be able to see inside of it. However, Anna thought it was the right time to hide away. Rose wanted to see 'Nemo' so badly, a few tears were shed when she couldn't see the fish.

"She's hiding in the plants don't worry you'll see her later." I try to comfort her while her mother is busying herself in the kitchen. Waffle joins us, sitting down next to my feet so I let Rose cuddle and play with him. Thank God that dog likes children. I leave the two new friends alone and walk away to my kitchen, I'm dying for a coffee right now. But as I enter my kitchen area, I see Scarlett setting some things on my table.

"We got you breakfast!" She says looking through the cupboards for whatever. She didn't want to tell me what. Too stubborn to ask for help I believe.

"Oh, thank you. You shouldn't have."

"Well, we kinda barged in earlier than we planned, it's the least we can do. We were a bit bored at home." She apologizes.

"Merci. You guys want anything?" I try to do my duty as a hostess but Scarlett wasn't making this easy. But she bought breakfast, I could at least take care of the drinks. So while making myself a coffee I also make Scarlett one, and heat up some milk for Rose. (translation : Thank You.)

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