୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢.

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may 13th, 2018

(hi, quick important author's note before we start : i decided to change where lita's parents live. they live in vermont from now on, and not nebraska. i haven't had the time to make the edits just yet but yeah now lita is headed to vermont sorry... okay now enjoy this week's update!)

WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS AGAIN? Someone tell me why again! No because I could've had three more days with Scarlett and Rose instead of suffering through this. No because let me give you some advice... public transport + a suitcase = some kind of torture so don't do it. It's a big no no, avoid it at all cost!

But alas, I make it to the airport and pass security and all that jazz AND on time might I add! That deserves a little something no? Wait no, first things first, I have to find my idiot brother who didn't tell me where to meet, his lovely wife and kids.

Idiot n°1
may 13th, 2018

Idiot n°2
I'm here.
Where the fuck are you?

Idiot n°1
Terminal 2.
In front of the Starbucks.

Idiot n°2
Can you get me a coffee?

Idiot n°1
Come get it yourself!

Idiot n°2
You suck.
Delivered 5:12pm

I turn off my phone as I get to Terminal 2, I look for the Starbucks and yep here they are with their stuff and children ruining around. I get there, Rachel spots me first. She gets up and walk towards me with a coffee cup in her hand. "See this is one of the many reasons why I like your wife more than you!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever!" Florian rolls his eyes at me before bringing me into a hug. We may live in the same state, but we don't see each other that often. We both have busy lives, me in the city with my business and him in a more suburban area working as a vet.

"AUNTIE LITA!" I turn hearing my name to see my favourite niece jumping up and down next to me, just waiting for a hug. "JULIE!" I reciprocate with the same energy.

"Girls, inside voice." Rachel scolds us.


We just got a little bit too excited, but Rachel has that 'mom' look, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, she might be my sister-in-law, but damn she can be scary when she does this. And I can't stop myself from saying "Yes mom." as Julie also apologizes. Out of the corner of my eyes, i can see Florian rolling his eyes at me while Rachel softly giggles.

"Why are you coming with us again?" He asks, asking annoyance. But that's just how siblings are, am I right?

"Believe me, I'm asking myself the same question! I only agreed to this for baby snuggles. Speaking of, where is the child?" I make the grabby hands for the little baby he's holding in his arms and scoop him up to take him away. Baby snuggles are my favourites, sue me. "Oh hello little dude! You're getting so big! Where did my little baby go?" Hugo is awake in my arms, looking around. He seems to be a curious baby. He has Rachel's green eyes and Florian's nose. He's just adorable let's face it. When I go to stroke his cheek with my finger, he just grabs it and even though he is tiny his hold is strong. We have our moment, catching up on two months of missed out cuddles. Turns out he's a quiet baby, he doesn't fuss a lot. He seems to like to cuddle and be held, but it isn't very long until someone else comes crushing into my legs.

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