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march 23rd, 2022

WE SAY GOODBYE TO ROSE AND SCAR AND IT'S TIME TO SET OFF FOR THE HOSPITAL. We had a really good time with them again today and I'm glad the kids aren't taking being away from both of their parents too bad. Going to the zoo and park helped, so did Rose and Scarlett. The kids loved being able to hang out and play with someone their age. I miss it already!

I check my phone for the first time since Scarlett called this morning. I still cannot believe that happened. I have a few messages but only one catches my attention. One Leah sent me about the shop. She doesn't usually send me anything when I'm on my days off so it must be urgent. Shit.

Did something happen?

Leah Green
march 23rd, 2018

Leah Green
i know it's your day off, but could you please stop by the store?

Lita Meyer
Hey, thanks for letting me know.
Is it urgent or can it wait until tomorrow?

Leah Green
no problem!
yeah kinda

Lita Meyer
Okay, I'm on my way with the kids.
Can't stay long though!

Leah Green
it's fine it won't take long
Read 15:56pm

I sigh, the kids aren't gonna like this. They like the shop but they clearly want their parents.

"Guys, before we go see mommy and papa, we're gonna stop by the shop okay?" Like I predicted, the kids... Well more like Julie wasn't too happy about that. Lucas really seems just unbothered.

"Whyyyyyyyy?" She whines. She stops walking and lets go of my hand, stomping her foot.

"Because they need auntie Lita's help. I promise it won't be long. Okay?" She nods sadly. She knows she doesn't have a choice. We slowly make our way to the shop, Lucas is babbling to his tiger... to Mister Kitty, and Julie is talking to me about her new baby sibling. She's asking me a bunch of questions as if I ha any answers : Is it a boy or a girl? What's their name? Where do babies come from?

Hold on hold on hold on.

What am I supposed to say now? That escalated quickly. Uuuuuuh...

"Let's ask your mom when you see her, maybe she'll know!" Good save, Lita, good save.


"Well... I don't know where babies come from." 

"Oooooh okay! We'll ask mommy then!" She happily says. She moves on to something else, like why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why does it rain?

"I want a pet dinosaur." She states.

Dear God.

It takes everything in me not to start laughing. I know she's serious.

This could've been my life. This could've been it if I didn't screw everything up. My dream job, a partner, kids, maybe a pet? Isn't it what life is all about? I used to think it was. That's what people filled my head with when I was a child. If I'm being honest, it was drilled so deep inside my mind that it was actually my goal in life at some point. I thought I'd settle down in a calm little town, with a w-husband... or a wife, and raise our children there. I used to daydream about dropping them off at school on my way to work and picking them up and listen to stories about their day. Then we'd all have dinner together all together and play board games at night before bed. And after putting the kids to bed, my partner and I would cuddle on the couch watching a movie or reading or talking. Perhaps making plans for the future, like another kid, a pet or a bigger house. But maybe we would just sit in silence enjoying each other's company.

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