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august 23rd, 2018

I STIR AWAKE. The sun, peeking through the curtains, woke me up. I'm not mad though. I can enjoy the softness of the sheet, the stillness of the room. Last night feels like a dream still but seeing Lita sleeping beside me is a reminder that my dream is in fact my reality now.

I watch Lita sleep. Creepy, I know, but she's mesmerizing. She is beautiful lying there. It warms my heart to see her that way. Relaxed. She is snoring ever so softly as she sleeps. I definitely can't wait to tease her about this one.

Our first time spending a night like that together, and now I simply can't take my eyes off her. I am charmed by her looks, her smile, her graceful movements, everything simply is mesmerizing. I feel a sense of intimacy between us, I feel a strong connection, and her perfectly sculpted form reminds me of how lucky I am. But more than the looks aspect, I am here with her and I wish to soak every moment of it, to celebrate the night with her that kept me awake. I stare at her calm peaceful face as she sleeps, her beauty, her soft features simply melt my heart.

I don't want her away from my eyes.

She looks serene while she sleeps. The absolute calmness of your tranquillity captures my entire soul. I become mesmerized by the incredible spectacle before me. My mind enters a state of supreme gratitude. I am filled with a sense of pure privilege.

Being with her seems like an incredible miracle. I ponder the odds. The odds of being this lucky, to be lucky enough to have experienced love with the perfect female specimen. The most beautiful woman on earth. The odds are so inexplicable that I suddenly feel like there must be a God. And that this God does in fact love me. God loves me sooooo much that the vision I see before me, proves I was sent an angel. She has become total evidence of magic in my world. I adore you the most a woman ever could.

Her crazy hair is sprawled all over the mattress, her faced pressed against the pillow staining the white covers with the remnant of smudged lipstick on her lips. Our bed is a mess, the duvet barely hanging on the bed any more. The room isn't better... Items of clothing littered the floor, and glasses of wine that shouldn't be there are on our bedside table, still half full.

I push myself up a little bit and reach for a blanket on the floor. I sat up and rest my back on the headrest, bringing the duvet over Lita's body to keep her warm while I just cover my lower half with the other blanket.

My hand tangles itself in her hair, slightly massaging her scalp. The ministration doesn't wake her up, but she shifts slightly until her face is pressed against my side and a small, content sigh leaves her lips.

And while I wish we could stay like this forever, Rose is going to be home in a couple of hours, and she cannot see the place like this.

"Darling...Lita, darling... Wake up please." She stretches and opens hers eyes. She closes them right after the sun hits her eyes, and I hold my hand over her head to make a little shadow. I leave her to wake up fully, but the smile on her face when she sleepily looks up at me makes my heart melt. I lean down to peck her lips, and mutter a small good morning against them.

She smiles and pulls the sheet over her head coyly. I let her, I hover over the woman-sized lump in the bed and kisses her sheet covered forehead. She doesn't put up much of a fight when I pull the sheet back down revealing her still sleepy eyes and adorable nose.

"Coffee?" I offer, and she immediately nods her head. With one last kiss on her cheek I leave the room. The brunette joins me, only mere minutes later dressed in nothing but panties and one of my old shirts. Her hair is pulled up in the messiest bun I've ever seen, and she looks adorable as she makes her way to me with a yawn. I feel her press her body against mine, her arms wrapping around my middle section. I rest one of my hands over hers, and lean against her. We slowly sway to the non-existent music while I make her breakfast.

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