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august 19th, 2018

I WAKE UP FIRST. Shifting in bed a little, a look down when I feel some weight on my chest. I see Lita snuggled against me. The sun shining through the curtains gives the room a warm glow, the house is quiet, Lita's arms are wrapped against me, these are the perfect conditions for me to go back to sleep. However, I had plans in mind and I need to get out of bed.

Subtle like a sleuth, I made my way out of bed. How Lita is still asleep, I don't know, but I like to think this is because of my Black Widow moves. I get dressed as quietly as I can, and by putting some clothes on I mean some socks and slippers, the floor is freezing cold. Seeing my reflection in Lita's mirror causes me to jump. I mean... I just didn't expect it you know?

I am wearing some random pyjamas bottoms and one of Lita's old shirt, my hair is a mess like usual, the bags under my eyes are visible from miles away... You can easily tell I had a late night. Not that I would change it, no, no never. Last night means the world to me now.

I tiptoe around the room to pick up a sweater I wore last night, but I have another idea instead. Lita's dresser is right there... It's just too tempting not to you know? Why resit? I slowly open when one of the drawer and hit the jackpot when I see an old NYU sweater at the top.


Slipping it on quickly, I look around the room some more to find some kind of headband, so I can push my hair back. It's getting in my face and it's annoying me. It's too early to style it anyway. I just look around, opening others drawers, and when I don't find anything, I move to another part of the room. Maybe on her desk or something. I push the papers and books aside, sometimes to see the essays that she wrote. I stumble on an essay on Emily Dickinson... Am I even surprised? Opening the drawers of her desk, I find old pairs of glasses, and elastic bands. Those aren't handy, my hair is still too short to tie it. I was about to give up when I saw it.

The headband is a big red velvet one clearly from the 90s that is going to make me look like Snow White, but I don't have any other choice.

I open and close the bedroom door with precision and care, I don't want to accidentally wake her. There we are, outside. Going down the stairs, I can see why the house is so quiet. It's early. Very early. Looking out the kitchen windows, I can see the blue hours of the morning. The early blue morning sky is laced with pink – a tasteless marriage according to some, redeemed only by the purging cold.

I make myself a cup of coffee, after spending 15 minutes trying to figure out it worked, it feels quite rewarding. I slid the floor-to-ceiling window open and step out. The cold air hits my skin immediately, but it feels nice. There's this thing about early and slow mornings, being awake before everyone else and having the world all to yourself, I can't put it into words.

My peace is interrupted too soon for my liking by two of the little gremlins coming down the stairs with Rachel, these gremlins being Hugo and my daughter. Rose looks still pretty out of it and Rachel is actively trying to keep her from rubbing her eyes whilst managing a baby on her hip.

"Good morning Scarlett! Rose, look who's here!" She points to me from the middle of the stairs, but they slowly continue to make their way down. I wait for them at the bottom and the minute Rose is in front of me, she holds her hands up.

Not even thinking twice, I pick her up and hold her tight. She nuzzles her face into my neck, as much as I love this, if I keep this up she's gonna fall asleep, so I bounce her up and down in my arms. It earns me a few whines, but I'll leave. I kiss her temple,  "G'morning my love."

She grumbles a good morning back, and moves around to lay her head on my shoulder. Looks like she's a bit grumpy this morning. "She woke up looking for you and didn't find you in Lita's room. I found her teary-eyed in the hallway, she thought you left her here." Rachel explains. It breaks my heart a little, I don't want her to think this way.

𝑳𝑨 𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑼𝑿 𝑭𝑳𝑬𝑼𝑹𝑺Where stories live. Discover now