୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐥𝐢.

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august 22nd, 2018

"ARE WE STILL ON FOR TONIGHT?" Scarlett asks me through the phone. She had the bright idea to call me in the middle of the day while I worked, and I know I shouldn't have picked up, but I couldn't stop myself. The shop is empty anyway.

"We sure are." I confirm. I've been looking forward to our next date ever since the car ride. It wasn't too long ago, but waiting felt like forever. It still is, even though it's only in a few hours.

"Do you know what you're gonna wear yet?"

"No, I have a few ideas in mind though." The thing is, I have no idea where she's going to take me. She hasn't given me a clue. Just that we're going out. Thanks, Scarlett, but would I dress casual? Or dress up a little bit more, should I put more effort?

"I'm taking you somewhere fancy, so if you have something a little classy in your wardrobe that'd be perfect." She finally tells me.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I audibly huff, making her laugh. I knew she wouldn't tell me, but it was worth asking. "It's a surprise darling. You'll find out in a few hours."

I'm sure you can see me pout like a toddler, cause honestly I don't care. I just want the time to move faster. Is that too much to ask? "That's too long."

"Patience is a virtue." She says, giggling at me. I'm sure she's very pleased with herself and the teasing, she's probably smirking as well. I'm about to answer when I hear the door of the shop open. Leah being away for the week, I need to leave and take care of this. Thankfully, it's just our regular George, and he knows his way around the shop so at least I can give Scarlett a proper goodbye.

"I kno– Listen, I gotta go, someone just came in."

"Alright. I'll see you at 7 then." I hear a quietly sigh, I don't think she intended to.

"I can't wait."

I hung up and put the phone away to focus on George. He doesn't seem to be needing my help for now, his just looking around. Eventually, he calls me over. "Mr Schneider, hi! What can I get for you today?"

Together, we picked out Forget Me Not flowers for his wife. It has a sweet story behind its meaning : love and devotion.

The primary romantic and remembrance symbolism of the Forget Me Not comes from European folklore and German legend. Many stories are specific to the Danube River, which winds through much of Eurasia and into Western Europe.

Regardless of the exact setting, the story follows the basic plot of a knight trying to pick a flower for his lover on the riverbank. When he falls in and is swept away in his heavy armour, the lover names the flowers for remembrance and wears them in her hair until her death.

This gave the flower a long-lasting association with remembrance, grief, and devotion beyond death.

As I wrap up his flowers, we talk. He asked me about Violet's wedding, and he told me about his week. It's our little thing, we catch up weekly. "Was that her on the phone?" He suddenly asks.

"Who?" I play dumb despite knowing exactly who he's referring to. Scarlett made quite an impression when she barged in after dropping Rose off.

"Her." He adds, wiggling his eyebrows with a laugh and I try so hard not to smile.


"What?! I'm just curious."

"Yes it was." I look around quickly, before leaning over the counter, "We're going out tonight." Sorry, but Erin isn't here. Leah isn't here, Anna isn't here ... I had to share my excitement with someone. And he is just as excited as I am. "Scarlett said she's taking me somewhere fancy and classy. I have this backless dress... I think it'll be okay."

𝑳𝑨 𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑼𝑿 𝑭𝑳𝑬𝑼𝑹𝑺Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz