Chapter 3- Why?

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" Eat the food," the woman told Rubab.

Rubab answered with an inaudible voice," Please, let me go. My parents must be worrying for me."

" Look girl, do whatever I am telling you to do. Sir will be angry to know that you are not eating," The woman reminded her.

Rubab's anger exploded this time. With all the energy she has left inside she screamed at the top of her lungs.

" Fuck you and your rapist Sir!! Let me go, you bitch. Let me go," Saying that Rubab burst into tears.

The woman had lost her patience already. So, she didn't say anything to Rubab anymore. She blindfolded Rubab and bound her hands with ropes. Rubab was way too weak and vulnerable to protest though she tried to wriggle.

" Open your mouth, slut," The woman forcefully opened her mouth and shoved food inside.

She pressed her hands on Rubab's mouth so tightly that having no other choice Rubab had to swallow the food. The woman forcefully fed her everything she brought. Rubab's resistance and tears were ignored just like her sufferings.

" Next time I won't be this merciful to feed you," The woman whispered in Rubab's ear. Her voice was full of anger and loathing.

After that everything went silent again except for Rubab's whimpering sound. She has no idea when all this torture will stop. She has no idea how many days she is going to suffer here.


Rubab was laying on the bed with her blindfold. Her limbs were tied with ropes and her mouth was covered by tape. She was struggling to free herself but her attempts went in vain.

Suddenly, a masked man started approaching her with a knife in his hand. Sensing someone's presence she started shaking her head vigorously. Her muffled crying didn't touch the man's heart. He raised his hand in the air to stab Rubab.

" No.........." letting out a scream Walid woke up from his sleep.

His abrupt breathing was the only sound in his room. He noticed that he was sweating profusely. It was a nightmare regarding Rubab.

Rubbing his forehead he calmed himself down. He chugged a glass of water closing his eyes.

" Where are you, Rubab? Where did you go?" he asked looking outside through the window.

His whole day went searching for Rubab. With time the anxiety started rising inside him. Different types of horrible consequences kept roaming inside his mind. He was scared for her. Is she alive? Is she ok?

Tonight was supposed to be their wedding night. A night full of love and affection. But, Alas! There she was suffering from a stranger's hand and here he was suffering thinking about different consequences.

" Hey my Almighty, don't let anything happen to her, please," Walid prayed mentally.

While Walid was praying about Rubab's safety, she was laying on the bed like a lifeless doll. She doesn't know if it was day or night since she was blindfolded. She doesn't know how many hours have passed because her mind was clouded by the horrible incident that happened to her.

Rubab's body moved a little bit sensing a presence in the room. At first, she was terrified thinking that it might be the man who defiled her earlier. But, it wasn't him. It was the woman. Rubab thanked the Almighty that it wasn't that man.

" I am serving your dinner. Don't put any tantrums like before. If you do so then I have to beat the hell out of you," Rahella warned Rubab opening the blindfold and handcuff.

Rubab questioned helplessly," What do you guys want from me? What I have done?"

" Are you suffering from short time memory loss or you are pretending to be innocent?" Rahella sounded irked.

Rubab has no idea what she was talking about. She continued looking at Rahella's face with confusion. Except for loathing, she didn't see anything on Rahella's face. Why does Rahella hate her? She doesn't even know her.

" I don't know what are you talking about. If you want money then just call my father. He will give you any amount. Just let me return to my house," Rubab pleaded with glossy eyes.

A bitter gasp left Rubab's mouth when Rahella grabbed a fistful of her hair. Leaning close to Rubab's face, Rahella observed her for some time. Those innocent eyes were staring at her with so much sorrow.

" Can your money bring back life? Huh! Can your money bring back someone's happiness? Can your money bring back what is lost already? You pathetic slut!" Rahella questioned gritting her teeth that astound Rubab.

She has no idea why a stranger is having such grudges against her or she was actually at fault. Rubab tried to remember if she offended someone or did something horrible in the past but her memory was blank. She couldn't recall anything like that.

She was just a normal employee in a school. She never hurt anyone with her words let alone physically. She had a reputation for being a kind-hearted, generous and jolly-minded person.

" You will feel the same pain," Rahella whispered in Rubab's ear.

Rubab felt goosebumps from her words. Her voice was so rigorous and dangerous that sent a chill right down Rubab's spine. Pain? She wondered if there was anything left still now.

Note- So, what do you think about Rahella's words? Why is she having grudges against Rubab? 🤔

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Thank you.

CaptiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora