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"That was in my dream too." I said while gagging at the sight and smell of the toothpick as I picked it up and threw it somewhere. "No way." "Yes way. And I know you have a bunch more in there. So after I'm done cleaning you, I'm gonna get all those toothpicks out." I spat, putting the cloth on Springtraps shoulder and wiping it down, getting all the disgusting shit off of it.

I finished cleaning him. I was washing off the cloth in the sink and once I was done, I turned around and Springtrap was gone.
"SPRINGTRAPPPPPP!!" I yelled. I hung the cloth on the edge of the sink and began to search for him. I went upstairs and heard shuffling coming from my room. I went into it but I didn't see him in sight. That was until I seen one of his ears poking out from underneath my bed.
"Springtrap. I see you. Come out, right now before I drag you out." I sneakily
said, getting onto my knees and looking under my bed.

There he was, he was looking up at me but with an evil smirk on his face.
"Your too weak to drag me out."
"Oh yeah? Watch this bud." I began to pull on his arm to get him out, but he wouldn't move one bit. I even tried to lean back and pull him out but I ended up falling on my ass. "Hah. See? Your a weakling." Springtrap teased, giving a low chuckle. "Oh yeah? You wanna know what else I learned from my dream?" I said. Springtrap raised an eyebrow at me.
I moved towards him and booped his nose. Just as I had expected, it made a high squeaking noise.

"How dare you." Springtrap over dramatically said, covering his nose with his hands. "How dare me? How dare you enter my room without my permission!"
I snapped, giving him a dirty look.
Springtrap only scoffed at me and stuck his tongue out. "Oh yeah. I also learned this." I grabbed Springtraps tongue and pulled the whole thing out. It was about
30 centimetres long. I let it go and he snapped it back into his mouth and gave me a mean look. "Just how much did you learn from that dream?" Springtrap asked, starting to get out from underneath my bed. He sat beside me once he was fully out and leaned against my closet door with me. Then I took my chance.

I got on top I'm of him and sat in his lap, quickly putting my hand on his chin and tilting it upwards to I could find toothpicks. "Eh, not much." I answered, moving his head around. "Y/n. Stop it."
Springtrap demanded, putting his hands on my thighs and getting ready to toss me over. "Springtrap, No." I said, being focused on finding his crusty musty toothpicks. He lowly growled and I felt his hands tighten on my thighs, pushing me over and getting on top of me.

"Oh! Stay still!" I said, reaching my hand out to his neck. But before I could get it, Springtrap grabbed my wrist and moved my hand away. "Ow ow ow ow ow!!!!" I yelped as he accidentally squeezed my wrist. He immediately let it go and lowly growled. I held my wrist close to my chest, trying to ease the pain.
"Leave my toothpicks alone woman." He snapped, giving me a dirty look and getting off of me. I stuck my tongue out at him and got up, following him but limping on the way.

"You know, I really wish you hadn't hurt my ankle you dumb bunny." I said behind him. "Then you shouldn't have fallen from that tree. In fact your whole plan in that was going to fail anyways." Springtrap chuckled, continuing to walk but a bit faster so I couldn't keep up. "Screw you, you oversized, ugly, moldy, and unbelievably
IDIOTIC rabbit!!" I snapped, sticking up the middle finger to Springtraps back.
He turned around and seen me, then started to march over to me.
"Screw you too, you pathetic, tiny, unbearable, and extremely ANNOYING woman!" Springtrap shouted, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I yelped as I was picked up and Springtrap just ignored it and sped-walked to the living room, plopping me down on the couch and standing in front of me with his arms crossed. "You stay here until I say you can move.
Got it?" Springtrap demanded, pointing to the couch. I made a 'Hmph' sound and crossed my arms, looking away from him.
He just scoffed and walked away angrily into the kitchen. I slid down on the couch and spread myself out, stretching and getting a few cracks in between stretches.
I smiled at the satisfaction and evilly smiled.I began to tip-toe away from the couch and up the stairs, to my room again. I wanted my phone and he can't control me so what's the big deal? Right?

As I opened up my door, it slightly creaked. I stopped my movements to listen to what was happening but I heard nothing. I closed the door and when I looked into my room, I wasn't met with the big space. My eyes  met a greenish gold chest with crossed arms. I looked up and seen Springtrap staring back down at me with an upset expression on his face. "Ehehh..." I nervously chuckled and slowly backed up, my back hitting the door. "What did I tell you, huh? You didn't listen." He seemed to be calm but I could just tell that he wanted to yell at me for trying to sneak behind his back.

"I-I.. uh-" "I'm going to have to punish you now." I was getting a bit anxious to see what was gonna happen.
I shut my eyes tightly and prepared myself for any type of pain or contact. But, the only thing I felt was a soft kiss on my forehead. I was completely dumbfounded. 'Did he just.. kiss me..? On my forehead..?' I thought, opening my eyes. Springtrap had me trapped between the door and him with his hands at my sides. Everything that had just happened completely left my mind when I spotted a toothpick in his hand. I quickly plucked it out and made a grossed out face at how disgusting it was. Springtrap facepalmed himself and leaned into me more..

End of Chapter Thirty-Six.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1094

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now