Seeing him again

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       I had ended up telling Springtrap everything about what I had heard from the police and he was quite shocked as well, but he suggested that we go over to Harry's house to get my mind off of it. So here we are, walking to Harry's house. Well, not me. I'm on Springtraps back and he's doing all the walking. But I still can't stop thinking about what's going to happen between me and Matt. He could get mad at me or something like that but I would have Springtrap there to protect me.. right?

"I love you." I said, once again for the sixth time. "I love you too." Springtrap chuckled, squeezing my thigh.
"I love you." I said again, seventh time.
"Love you too." Springtrap replied, again. I wonder how he's not getting tired of this.. hm.. "what if Matt freaks out on me?" I asked, putting my head on Springtraps shoulder. "Well then he can screw himself because now that I have you, I'm not letting you go." I chuckled at Springtraps protectiveness and kissed his cheek.

He seemed to like that and smiled, tilting his head back to that he could kiss me.
We soon arrived at Harry's house and I was nervous about going in.
"Can you stay by me please.?" I asked Springtrap. I didn't want Matt to try anything with me even though I allowed it last time.. "Of course. He's not going to get anywhere near you." Springtrap said, turning the doorknob and opening it. "Finally you guys made it!! Hi y/n!!" Delilah shouted from the living room and ran over to us, hugging Springtraps leg.

Then I seen Matt coming down the stairs with a smirk on his face. I quickly squeezed Springtraps shoulder to get his attention and he caught up pretty quickly.
"Hey y/n! Wanna go up to my room again? I've got some new stuff!" Matt said with a devious smirk on his face.
"N-no thanks Matt! I p-promised Springtrap that I would play a game of cards with him!" I quickly said, stuttering my way through the sentence. "Oh. That's alright! Mind if I join?" Asked Matt.

"N-no I don't mind! Come on springy let's go." I was put down by Springtrap and we went into the living room and sat down by the table in front of the tv. When I sat down, Matt sat beside me and so did Springtrap. 'Gosh this is so awkward...' I thought in my head, handing out eight cards to me, Springtrap, and Matt. "We are playing crazy eights! Losers have to give the winner twenty bucks!" I said, excited to win since I am the master at this.

"Oh yeah? Game on!" Matt playfully shouted beside me. "Oh I'm gonna win this now." Springtrap played, picking up his cards and looking at them.
I then felt a hand slide up and down my thigh and when I looked over, it was Matt's hand. I quickly shooed it off and placed down a six of hearts.

It was up to me to win against Springtrap now that Matt had lost the first round and now owed me twenty bucks. Springtrap placed down a Queen of spades, evilly smirking at me. "Goddamnit you- hmph.." I scoffed, picking up five cards.
When I was about to choose and place down a card, I felt hands go around my waist and in between my legs. I lost focus and put down the card that I didn't want to put down. "Y-your turn." I said, Springtrap wasn't paying attention and was staring off somewhere else.

His attention shot back to the game and he evilly smirked, placing down three jacks and a 5 of diamonds. It was my turn and I felt Matt's hands go more in between my legs and get closer to my lady part. I kicked Springtrap to get his attention and mouthed 'help me' to him. I looked down at where Matt's hands were and back to Springtrap. He got the memo and looked. When he seen, I knew he was really angry. He then mouthed back,
'Go to the kitchen' and I placed my cards face down. "I'm gonna go and get a glass of water. Be right b-back!" I exclaimed, standing up and walking out of the living room.

I got a cup from the cabinet and poured some tap water into it, taking a few sips and then a deep breath. "Jesus fucking christ.." I said to myself, leaning my head down. 'What have I gotten myself into.' I thought, pinching the bridge of my nose and dragging my hand down my face.
I drank the rest of the water and placed the empty cup into the sink. When I made my way back, Matt was on the other side of the table now and Springtrap was right next to me. Matt seemed to be holding his shoulder as if he had gotten hurt and gave me a weak smile.
Okay! I'm ready to beat you!"

"You owe me now y/n." Springtrap said, trying to keep his laughter in.
"Nooooooo!!!" I whined, leaning back onto the carpeted floor. I heard Matt nervously chuckle as I leaned back up. Delilah and Harry were still focused on their game and hadn't said a word since we got here. "Why don't we play hide and seek?" I suggested, giving Springtrap a look that said: 'it's fine. I have a plan.' He nodded and sighed.

"Do you wanna hide with me, Matt?" I asked Matt who looked up at me with excitement. "Sure!" Matt stood up and so did Springtrap. "Delilah, Harry. Why don't you pause your game and come play with us?" I asked the two kids who were hypnotized by the tv. "Sure! I think we should get off the games for a while Harry." Delilah suggested and stood up.
Harry agreed to play and Delilah wanted to seek so we all went off to our hiding spots.
End of Chapter Twenty-Five.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Words: 1020

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now