That time of the month

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I had finished working on Nick's work and put everything back in his suitcase, closing it up and putting it back in the spot that he had left it. I made my way back upstairs and found Springtrap asleep on my bed. He was laying down on his side and hand his hand under the pillow that his head rested on. I smiled at his peaceful figure. 'He must have fallen asleep while waiting for me to finish..' I guessed, climbing onto my bed and beside him. I checked the time on my phone and it read 10:32pm. I set it back down on the bed and took a deep breath, cracking my knuckles and wrists. I then proceeded to crack my neck and back, relieving all the tight muscle joints to a comfortable state.

Then suddenly, a pair of hands fled to my waist and pulled me down, pressing my back up against a chest. It was Springtrap. He was still asleep but had a uneasy look on his face. I chuckled and blew in his face, hoping to wake him up. "Psst-! Springtrap! Wake up!" I whisper-yelled to him. His eyes slightly opened and that's when he noticed what he had done.
"Hm. What do you want." He groggily said, holding me tighter against him.
"Can you let me go?" I asked, hoping he would. "Hm.... Why would I do that? This is comfortable.." I silently groaned and pressed my hands up against his fury, gold chest as an attempt to pry him away from me. "Because! I want to get up!" I exclaimed, pushing harder on his chest. He only held me tighter and smirked, putting his hands on my waist.

"Well I don't want you to. So deal with it." He demanded, short tempered.
He obviously wasn't going to let me go so I just dealt with it. I decided I would make myself comfortable if it meant he would loosen himself from me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pressed my face into his fluffy chest, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. He seemed to enjoy the affection and held me close, bringing one hand to my head and the other to my back.




When I woke up, I was on top of Springtrap. He was playing with my hair and had made little braids with it. It seemed he had been awake for a while but didn't want to move. "Morning princess." He played, starting to make another braid. I tiredly moaned and looked up to him. He moved his attention from the braid to me, then back to the braid. That's when I realized how close our faces were. "How long have you been awake?" I asked, tiredness stuck to my voice like a leach. "Two, three hours?"
'Wait so I have been asleep on him.. Ah whatever.' I began to start to move backwards so that our faces weren't so close but I was stopped as a heavy hand weighed my back down so I couldn't move. "Don't do that. You'll mess up the braid." He mumbled, pulling me back up close to him. I might have been a little closer than before but whatever.
We stayed like that for a while, I soon fell back asleep on him as he played and braided my hair.


I was woken up again by a slight pain in my stomach, the feeling of all my insides being squeezed together and locking that position. I groaned and realized it was that time of the month. "Springtrap.. I have to get up.." I mumbled, putting a hand on my chest to try and ease the pain with a gentle massage. "No you don't."
He said, finishing up yet another braid and getting another strand of my hair.
"I'm being serious.. I've got to get up. I will be back." I said, sitting up and getting off the bed. I could hear Springtrap sigh as I left the room.

I entered the washroom and looked underneath the sink, hopefully finding pads, or tampons, or anything. But there was nothing. I guess Delilah hadn't gotten hers yet so they had no need..
that meant I had to drive all the way to the drug store and then all the way back here with angry cramps. I sighed and began to walk back to my room. When I entered, Springtrap was in the same position as before and he was waiting for my return. But when I didn't get on the bed, he tugged and my shorts.
"What are you doing?" Poor old Springtrap.. I'm gonna have to leave him here. "I have to go to the store for something..." I said, grabbing my keys and slipping on some socks.
"What? why?" I sighed, not wanting to get into it. "I just have to. Stay here. I will be back, I promise." I sat on the side of the bed and took a few deep breaths, trying to ease the only increasing pain in my stomach. "Can I come with you?" Springtrap asked, once again tugging on my shirt. "Mm.. sure." I got up and put on some shoes, making my way downstairs.
Springtrap followed, getting into the car with me. I started the engine and waited for it to warm up a little, then we were on our way.

I pulled my car to a stop when we arrived, parking it in a parking space and grabbing my purse. "Do you want to stay in here or come in?" I asked, looking at Springtrap.
"I'm coming in." He stated, opening up the car door and exiting it. I did the same and walked by his side into the store.
Sure, we got some weird looks but I didn't care. I just wanted to get my stuff and get out. I went into the aisle where pads and tampons would be and picked out a pack of each, checking the price of each item.
That's when I spotted a electric heating pad. It was only ten bucks too. I picked it up immediately felt a worsening pain in my chest. I gripped the spot hard, taking deeps breaths. Then I felt a hand rub my back. "What's going on? And what are.. pads and tampons.?" Springtrap asked, clearly confused on what a period was. This guy had a wife and a daughter! How could he not know what it was?

"I'll explain it to you in the car.. let's just go." I said, taking my hand off the painful spot and making my way to the cashier, picking up some chocolaty snacks on the way and maybe some ice cream.

End of Chapter Forty.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Stay tuned~

Words: 1118

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now