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Your pov.

I woke up at 2pm and felt Springtraps limp body on mine. Suddenly my head ached and I put my hand on it, trying to ease the pain. Springtrap tilted his head up and gave me a worried look as I hissed in pain. "What's wrong dear?" He asked in the most sweet and calming voice ever. Then I blushed at the nickname. "D-dear-?" I stuttered, moving my hand down from my head to cover my face from how read it was. "Mhm. What's wrong? You don't like it?" Springtrap is innocently said, removing my hands from my face.

He chuckled once he seen how red I was.
"Your cute when your embarrassed, dear~" Springtrap teased, giving me half lidded eyes with a smile. I hid my face with a pillow and screamed into it, not caring that Springtrap was on top of me still. He laughed and threw the pillow away, caressing my cheeks. I leaned into his touch, calming myself into it as I snuggled my face against his hands. "Your mean.." I mumbled, closing my eyes and furrowing my eyebrows together. I heard another chuckled from him. "Your cute." I wrapped my arms around Springtraps neck and pulled him closer, leaning my forehead against his.

He closed his eyes, leaning into my touch.
I gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek and watched as his prideful smirk turned into a goofy one, melting into me as his face turned a light pink. I giggled at his state and held his head up by his cheeks, cupping them with my hands. I nuzzled our noses together and kissed it, making his face blush even more. I liked when he was like this. It made my day to see him melt into my arms, enjoying my company.
I'm n fact, I was so happy, I started crying happy tears, giggling at how much I enjoyed having Springtrap to myself.

"What's wrong dear? Why are you crying?" Springtrap questioned, cupping my face and moving it around to see if I was hurt anywhere. "I-I'm fine springy! I'm just crying happy-tears!" I said, pulling him into a tight hug. "What's making you so happy? I wanna get in on it too." He said, giving me a quick kiss on my cheek. "I'm just happy that I have you. I know we were off to a bad start, but I'm just so glad that I've got you now." I explained, breathing heavily as more happy tears flowed down my cheeks.

"I'm happy that your finally mine. When I brought you to your room the night you arrived, I knew that I wouldn't give you up for anything in the world." I hugged Springtrap tighter, letting him slide his hands around my waist and pull me into him more. I pulled away from the hug and kissed Springtrap, closing my eyes and letting him softly kiss me back, trailing his hand up my body and rubbing his thumb on my jawline. We pulled away, looking each other in the eyes. I smiled at him and he removed some stray strands of hair that were in my face, pulling them behind my ear.
"I'm so glad that I found such a beautiful girl." Springtrap whispered, resting his head on my chest.

I awwed at his comment and petted his head, listening to his breathing. After a few minutes, I felt the same headache coming on, but this time it was worse.
"Geez.. this hurts." I said to myself, sitting up and putting my hand on my head again, trying to ease the pain. Springtrap leaned up aswell and gave me a worried look again. "Okay, tell me what's happening so I can help you." Springtrap demanded, putting a hand on mine. "I've just got this bad headache that disappears and reappears sometimes." I exclaimed, taking a deep breath to see if it would help. Springtrap got up and gave me a 'I will be right back' motion and left.

I felt the bandage on my head and frowned. All I could think about was that at least it wasn't Delilah or Springtrap.
I then heard footsteps coming back up and I seen Springtrap with a glass of water. "Here. This might help a little." He gave my the glad and I took a small sip. When I put it down, I noticed holes in Springtraps shoulder, hip, and chest. I traced my fingers over them and realized what they were. "Did you..-"
"Yes. But it's okay. That stuff doesn't really affect me anymore." Springtrap explained, gently grabbing my hands and holding them in his.

Then suddenly, a little Delilah came into the room and hopped onto the bed with me. "Hi guys!" She happily said, leaning against Springtrap. "Do you need something Dels?" I asked, giving her a smile. "I came to see you! Springtrap stole you away from me earlier." She made a funny angry face at Springtrap and we both chuckled, watching as she playfully punched Springtraps arm. She then came over to me and hugged my side. I wrapped and arm around her and hugged her back, resting my head on hers.
"You smell like cardboard y/n. What's up with that?" Delilah asked, looking up at me. I gave a weird face and tried my hardest not to laugh. "Really? I smell like cardboard? Wooooww..." I joked, nudging her a bit.

She laughed and nudged me back, elbowing me. I giggled and pulled her into a playful headlock and played with her hair. He laughed hard and tried to escape me but failed. I laughed along with her and seen in the corner of my eyes Springtrap smiling and chuckling at us.
I let Delilah go and she quickly tried to fix up her hair. "Hey Dels, you can play with y/n later. I need to talk with her for a while." Springtrap said, giving Delilah a weird smile.

"Awwwwhhh!!! Okay... as long we get to play later! Bye y/n!!" Delilah said, running out of my room and down the stairs. I could hear her little stomps and giggled, covering my mouth. Springtrap leaned himself back on me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.
"What did you wanna talk about?" I asked, petting his ears. "Nothing. I just want you to myself right now. I haven't seen you in two weeks and I missed you." Springtrap explained, innocently looking up at me. I awwed at his reason and held him tightly.

"Neither has Delilah. But I guess she can wait.. this is nice.." I said, getting comfortable in Springtraps arms, slowly falling asleep to his breathing.
End of Chapter Twenty-Nine.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Words: 1130

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now