Teddy bear

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(I'm sorry I just found that photo really hot.)

Delilah and Nick had gotten home about 6 hours ago. Nick of course, scolded me for doing his work. It's now 1pm and I'm in bed, holding the teddy bear I had gotten and have been repeatedly been pressing the tummy of the bear for the past hour and thirty minutes.

'Happy birthday y/n!! We love you!''

I had also been crying the past hour. I hated the fact that I had fought with my parents that night.

(Flashback. Ik they suck I'm sorry but it plays an important part of the story so please read it!)

"Y/N! Stop this now!" My father shouted at me. "No! You guys barely ever spend time with me and you've missed my past three birthdays!!" I yelled back, fighting off tears.

"Y/n, please dear! I know this is hard but we have to!" My mother said, putting an hand on my shoulder. "Yeah! WE pay the bills! WE make sure you have a roof to live under. WE make sure you get proper food and a healthy lifestyle! You should be grateful!" My father argued, packing another suitcase.

"A healthy lifestyle?!? You call being away from your kid most of their life a healthy lifestyle?!?" I argued back, stomping on the ground.

"Y/n! We are doing this so that you can stay in school! So you can get the education that you need! We are doing this so that you can get the things that you want!" My mother yelled, getting fed up.

"I don't care about those things!! I just want a day with my parents not having to worry about money or work! One day that we can actually have fun and do things TOGETHER!!" I yelled.

"Well if you want that, then your going to have to let us do this for us!!" My father said, zipping up his suitcase. "I hate you guys!! I wish I was never born! I wish I had better parents that didn't live under work and papers!!" I screamed, now crying and walking out of the room, slamming the door shut.

'Why me?!? Why them?!? Why us!!' I thought, walking into my room and slamming my door shut.

-few hours later..-

I heard my door open and my mother walked in. "Y/n honey.. I-" "go away. I don't wanna see any of you." I snapped, turning away from her. She sat down on my bed and I felt my mothers soft hands rub my back, trying to bring me comfort. "I love you hun.." was all she said before she left.

I turned on my phone to text my friends but they all were offline. I sighed and opened TikTok, watching a few videos until I fell asleep.

(Another time skip.)

I woke up to the house phone ringing. I got up and entered the kitchen to pick it up and seen that it was my aunt Rita.

"Y/n, is that you?" She said. I could hear sniffling and shudders. "Yes it's me. You almost never call, what's happening?" I said, getting a bit confused. "Oh y/n you don't know yet.. turn on the news." I raised an eyebrow and did what she said. I seen my parents dead body's being bagged up and brought to a hospital.

"Yes, it was very tragic. The car had crashed into two other cars.." my ears stopped listening to the tv as tears repeatedly fell down my cheeks.

"Y/n.. your parents.. they are dead."

(End of Flashback.)

I was crying into the teddy, still repeatedly pressing the tummy just to hear their voices again.

'Happy birthday y/n!! We love you!'

I covered my mouth to keep quiet as tears fell onto my hands. "I'm so sorry mom.. dad.." I whispered into the bear, stuffing my face into it and pulling my knees to my chest. Just then, my door opened and a worried looking Springtrap came in. "Y/n?! What's wrong?" He whispered but loud enough so that I could hear him.

"M-my parents.." I sniffled, trying to wipe my face so he wouldn't see my tears but it was too late for that. "Y/n.. it's alright.." Springtrap said, moving my hands away from my face and putting them around him. He tightened himself around me and let me cry into his chest.

"I'm sorry.. this is the second time this has happened.." I whispered, looking up at Springtrap. "Don't worry about that y/n. It's okay." I felt, relatively safe in Springtraps arms. I let him hold me bridal style on my bed and I leaned my head on his chest.

"Thank you.. so much springy." I said, fastening my arms around his neck. "It's no problem y/n.. no problem at all." I nuzzled my face into his neck, listening to his breathing. (Don't ask me questions he is just breathing.)

I felt his hands gently stroke my hair and play with it, twirling it around and brushing it with his fingers. I grew tired, but not tired enough to fall asleep. "Springy..?" I said, looking up at him. He looked back down at me. "Mhm.?"

I got closer to his face, giving him a kiss. He seemingly melted into it and kissed back, putting a hand on my cheek. Once we parted, I put my forehead against his. "I love you."
I chuckled at his words. "I love you too.. you big garbage bunny." He chuckled and I then fell asleep in his arms.
End of Chapter 13!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Words: 1007

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now