Hands off, creep!

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(WARNING: this chapter includes sexual assault so if your not comfortable reading, please skip. I will put a sign that says ⚠️ when it comes and ✅ when it's over.)

Me and Matt were hiding in Harry's room in his closet. He hadn't tried anything yet but you were still nervous. "There's something I have to tell you Matt.." I whispered, leaning my back on the wall and sliding down, pushing my knees up to my chest. "I already know what it is y/n, I love you too." Matt said, bringing himself down to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "No, your thinking something else.. I mean-" "Shhh.. it's alright y/n. You don't have to say anything." Matt put his hands up my shirt and unclipped my bra unexpectedly.

I quickly caught my bra before it fell and tried my best to clip it back on. "No! I'm trying to say-" "You look so tasty.. and vulnerable like that y/n.. it makes me want to fuck you even more." Matt flirted, bringing himself down upon me and bringing my hands above my head.
"Matt! Stop!!" I shouted, squirming in his grip. "Why stop? I thought you wanted this." I felt Matt start to kiss my neck and go down from there. "Because I-!"
"You know what? Let me do this for you y/n. Im sure you'll love it as much as you did last time."

I didn't want this. At all. 'What if Springtrap seen this. He would believe me right? Right...?' I thought to myself. Matt had my mouth covered with the belt from his pants and I started to squirm more, trying to escape this mess. "Oh y/n, don't try to escape! You won't regret doing this after I'm done with you!" Matt played, stroking my hair with his hands. Tears began to form in my eyes as Matt kissed my forehead and removed my shirt
to reveal my uncovered breasts.

My tears soaked into the leather belt as Matt gripped my breasts and began to suck on one. I kicked, trying to get him away from me but he stepped on them, making them bend the wrong way and me whimper in pain. "You look so beautiful like this.." Matt complemented, tracing his fingers down my body. Before he could do anything else, the closet door opened and in came a very pissed off Springtrap. My yells for help were muffled into the belt and Matt was scared out of his mind.

"Get. Your. Filthy. Hands. Off. My. GIRLFRIEND!!" Springtrap shouted, grabbing Matt by the neck of his shirt and throwing him across the room and against the frame of Harry's bed. Springtrap set my hands free and I quickly undid the belt that was around my mouth while I threw my bra and shirt back on. Springtrap picked me up bridal style as I gripped onto him and held myself close to him, watching as he angrily stormed out of that room. "I didn't want to.. I didn't want to. I didn't want to I swear.." I whispered to myself.

"I know you didn't y/n. It was a mistake to bring you back here. Let's go. I can get Delilah later." Springtrap said, walking down the stairs.


When we got to the first floor, Delilah and Harry were sitting on the couch, waiting for Springtrap to come back down.
"Springtrap!! What happened to y/n?" Harry and Delilah both questioned, running up to me and Springtrap.
"She's just tired. We are gonna head back. Delilah you can stay here for a while longer." Springtrap explained, holding me closer and going to the front door. "Okay.. as long as y/n will be okay."
Delilah said, putting a bit of worry into her tone of voice. "Don't worry Dels. She will be okay. I'm going to take care of her." Springtrap softly started playing with a strand of my hair.

As we were heading back, I brought myself closer to Springtrap to feel his warmth, wrapping my arms around his neck and putting my face against his chest. "T-thank you.. springy." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
"Your welcome y/n. Your not going to leave my sight ever again. Not with that creep." Springtrap toughened up his voice, trying to sound all buff and fearless. It made me giggle and I kissed Springtraps cheek, making his face go red.

We walked through the front door of the house and Springtrap immediately brought me to my room upstairs.
"I need to claim back what is mine before I let you do anything." Springtrap sassed, tossing me on my bed and getting on top of me. He began to kiss me, from my forehead all the way down to my torso, lifting my shirt up and unclipping my bra. I whimpered as he kissed and sucked at my nipples. Playing with my breasts.

"Springy.. ahah.." I moaned, arching my back a little as he carefully placed his hands on my body, sliding them down from my chest to my waist then to my hips. His hands were cold so it made me flinch at his touch, trying to cover up the coldness he left with my shirt. Springtrap chuckled a little and brought himself back up to me, cupping my face.

He stared into my eyes for a moment. He seemed to be lost in thought, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. Then out of nowhere, he pulled me in for a kiss. Not with tongue or anything, just a regular kiss that we held for about a minute.
When he leaned back, separating us from the kiss, he handed me my clothing back.
He stayed on top of me as I clipped my bra back on and threw my shirt over my head. Once I did that, he put all his weight on me, almost crushing me but making sure that wouldn't happen. He lifted my shirt and put his whole head underneath it, resting his face against my stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked, petting his head and putting my other hand on his back.
"Nothing.. I'm just angry that he did that to you." Springtrap delicately said, bringing his ears down underneath my shirt. "It's.. I'm fine springy. You don't have to worry anymore. You found me at the right time. Your my big hero bunny!"
I kissed his head that was still underneath my shirt and felt him relax more into me.
He lifted his head from my shirt and
gave me a small kiss on the lips.
"You're my favourite girl." Springtrap mumbled, resting his head down on me. 'I'm his favourite girl huh..? Never thought I'd hear that come out of someone.' I thought, thinking about the statement.
End of Chapter Twenty-Six.

I hope you sorta enjoyed this chapter!!

Words: 1148

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now