Going back

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"Holy shit.. I have the biggest fuckin headache of my life right now.." I groaned, sitting up out of bed. Peyton was still sound asleep beside me. I got up and walked downstairs, catching Mrs. Rogers on the way. "Good morning sweetie! Would you like some pancakes?" She asked, her sweet tone of voice flown through the kitchen. "Sure. Thank you." I replied, sitting down at the table.

She then handed me a glass of water and two pain killers. "I know you need it." Was all she said before going back to flipping pancakes on the stove. I put one pill in my mouth and drank some water, swallowing the pill. Then I heard Peyton groggily coming down the stairs. "Ah.. good morning mom. Y/n. Watcha makin?" He asked, sitting down beside me. I swallowed my other pill with water and finished the glass off, gently putting it on the counter. "I'm making pancakes for you and y/n. Y/n, do you like yours with chocolate chips or bananas?" Mrs. Rogers asked, turning around and putting a hand on her hip.

"Chocolate chips please." I replied, leaning my head back. "Just rest today y/n. Don't worry about Springtrap or nothin." Peyton stated, wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me to him. Then, two playes were pushed to me and Peyton with two pancakes on them.
"Eat up you two. Then you guys can relax and watch movies. Just get y/n home by 1pm! I'm going grocery shopping." Mrs. Rogers yelled from the front door, putting on her shoes. We finished our pancakes and heard Mrs. Rogers leave. Peyton and I made our way to the living room and I flattened myself out on their couch, taking up most of the space.

"Y/n, I swear to god. Give me some space too man!!" Peyton whined, trying to push me to make more space for himself. When we finally got into comfortable spots, we put on the famous 1996 Scream horror movie.

Peyton and I had fallen asleep before the movie even started and we ended up waking up at 12pm with the movies credits playing over and over again.

"Seriously, I wanted to finish that movie. Gosh I wish I hadn't drank last night. Do you guys have any more pain killers????" I asked, slowly falling off the couch. "Yeah, they are in the cabinet right next to the fridge. They are labelled "pain killers" so unless you can't read, they will be easy to find." Peyton joked, leaning his head down and closing his eyes. "Thanks."
Was all I said before opening the cabinet and grabbing the pills, taking two out of the bottle and pouring myself a glass of water.

"So.. how are you gonna explain to him what happened?" Peyton asked. I knew exactly what he was talking about but groaned out of annoyance. I didn't want to talk about this at the moment due to a narly hangover and sweaty palms. "I will figure it out. Now shut up and let me take these." I snapped, plopping a pill into my mouth and swallowing it down with water. "Snappy." Peyton played, chuckling to himself. I growled, taking the second pill.

When it was time for Peyton to drive me back, I packed up my stuff and threw it into the car.
"Let's go. I just wanna be in my own bed and take a 72 hour long nap and not have to worry about you know what." I said, leaning back in the passenger seat and buckling myself up.
"Yep. Totally understand you. Let's make this quick." Peyton said, starting the engine and driving off. It was a quiet car ride, but it was a comfortable silence so all was alright.

Then I started to think. 'What if he doesn't forgive me? Should I even tell him..? It's not like it's any of his business anyways.. but I love him...' I thought, closing my eyes and resting my head on my shoulder. Then in the pitch blackness of my eyelids, I seen Elizabeth again.
"Hello y/n." She said, wandering up to me.
"Hi Elizabeth. Are you alright?" I asked, walking up to her and kneeling down to her size. "Yes. I am alright. Springtrap will forgive you, just give him some time. He's dealing with something of his own that he needs to control. But, at some point, you will need to tell him." She said, holding out her hand.

I took her hand and she squeezed it. "I will. I promise." I promised, watching as she let my hand go, nodded, and started to walk away from me. "Y/n. We are here. What are you doing?" Peyton finally snapped in my face, waking me from my slumber. "Oh, right. Thanks man." I said, grabbing my stuff from the back seat. "Anytime y/n. Be safe!" Peyton said, backing up from the driveway and pulling out, honking his horn at me and driving away.
I went to the front door and entered, seeing no one there. "Hello? Anyone home?" I shouted.


'Huh.. guess no one is home.' I giggled at myself and put my stuff down beside the couch, slamming myself down on it. "Home at last." I said, letting my arms fall off the couch. I soon fell asleep, not noticing the presence that was home.
End of Chapter Twenty-One.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Also, sorry for the slow update! I've been really busy with school and boring shit like that but I will try my best to post more!

Words: 940

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Where stories live. Discover now