Get out. Right now.

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I walked into Delilah's room to see what she was up to and seen her on the phone with Harry. I smiled and walked out, heading to my room. Just then the front door opened and in came Nick. I heard Delilah immediately hop off the phone and run downstairs, taking her dad into a big bear hug. "DAD!! I missed you!!" She said, looking up at him as he set his suitcase down to hug her. "I missed you too Dels! How was your day?" Nick asked, moving stray hairs out of Delilah's face.

"It was so much fun! Me, y/n, and Springtrap went to Harry's house! We played video games and ate a bunch of snacks! And then when we got home, Y/n had a really good supper made for us just so that you wouldn't have to do it when you got home!" Delilah happily explained, jumping up and down. Nick chuckled and picked Delilah up. "I'm glad you had fun Dels. Why don't you go talk with Harry? I've got some extra work to do." Nick exclaimed.

That saddened me. Then I felt a presence beside me. When I turned my head, I seen it was Springtrap. Then an idea popped up in my head. "Hey Nick! How was work?" I hopped downstairs, almost tripping over my ankle but caught myself unnoticed. "Oh hey y/n! It was alright. I heard you, Delilah, and Springtrap had fun today!" Nick said, taking off his coat.
"Yeah! I beat Springtrap in a game of Crazy Eights so he gave me twenty bucks!" I exclaimed, hugging Nick.

"That's pretty cool. What did you make for Delilah? She said it was really good so maybe I want some." Nick chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "It was sautéed chicken on noodles! Your more than welcome to have some of it if you want!" I smiled at him.
"I will try it! It sounds delicious. Anyways, I will be in my room later because of work, again.. so make sure Delilah gets into bed by 8pm! Alright?" Nick said. I nodded my head excessively and watched as my uncle went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

I quickly made sure he wasn't looking and stole his suitcase, bringing it up to my room.
"Now, let's get to work." I cracked my knuckles and opened it up.

"Y/n. Seriously? That's his work." Springtrap said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Okay? So? I want him to spend time with his daughter instead of locking himself in his room to work. So I'm doing it for him without him knowing." I explained, writing down another thing. "Still. I don't think he'd be happy to know your doing his work right now." I sighed, already getting annoyed. "Y/n?!! Where's my suitcase?!?" I heard a yell from downstairs.
"Caught red handed."

I swiped Springtraps hand off my shoulder and he sat on my bed. "ITS UP HERE!!" I yelled back, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs.
When my door opened, it was Nick. He looked annoyed. "Y/n?! What are you doing with my work?!" I was about to answer, but Springtrap interrupted. "She thought she would do it so that you could spend time with Delilah instead of locking yourself in your room all night." I gave Springtrap a angry look and he just smirked.

"Y/n, that's very nice of you but I have to get this done!" Nick exclaimed, walking up to me.
"Mhm. That's why I'm doing it. Go out and get ice cream with your daughter or see a movie!! She would love it if you did that with her!!" I fought, hoping he would let me do this for him.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Okay, okay. Delilah!! We are gonna go out! Go get ready!!" He shouted, smiling at me as he left my room.

"Why would you rat me out?!?" I said to Springtrap who was just chilling on my bed.
"What??? It went smoothly DIDNT it?
You should be THANKING me." He said, looking over at me. "You should be thanking me for making you smell fresh instead of a thousand dead corpses." I said, sticking my tongue out at him. "Your lucky I have decided I'm not going to kill you, little girl." Springtrap snapped, leaning upwards.
"At least I'm not some psychopath who decided it would be a good idea to shove 5 children into suits." I snickered, knowing that would get to him.

"At least my parents aren't dead." I stopped what I was doing. "Excuse me?" My voice toughened up, sounding sad and angry.
"You heard me." I tried to hold back my tears but they let out, running down my face to my chin. "Get out. Right now." I said, turning around and pointing to the door. "Y/n, I'm sor-" "GET THE FUCK OUT, RIGHT NOW!!"
I screamed. He immediately got up and out. I slammed the door on him as he tried to apologize. I locked the door.

Springtraps pov.

I actually felt.. bad. I knew I had no right to even mention her parents but I did.. god I'm such and idiot. I thought, sitting down beside her door. I heard her crying from the other side of the door and that really did hurt me.

I didn't realize it would affect her that much.. I've changed from who I used to be 30 years ago and I've developed emotions but I've never felt this before. It's like I was just punched in the stomach with realization. Guilt..
I should truly apologize when she's calmed down. I shouldn't have said that..

"As expected from you. You hurt her. Badly. She won't forgive you for this William."

Shut up. What do you know? Your not her..

"You've always hurt others to relive from your own pain. It's just what you do. But with this, you took it too far."

Be quiet! I'm going to apologize to her so just shut your mouth and go away!

"If you say so.. but you better come up with something better than a simple apology to try and fix this. Show her your REALLY sorry and you may get a second chance."

Yeah.. whatever..

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, thinking of ways to apologize to her.
I leaned my head back down and looked at my hands. They are so.. clean.. because of her.
Jesus I've really fucked up. She's done a lot for me and I've only repaid her with this. I better come up with something good or she will never forgive me.
End of Chapter 7.

Hope your enjoyed this chapter!

Words: 1129

BOOK 1 Spring trap, Y/n, and Delilah (springtrap x fema!e reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora