Chapter 19: Joy Mixed With Sorrow

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The days passed slowly while I healed. Shadow had moved me to the living room so I wouldn't feel so locked away. My parents visited the most and asked me how the kids were doing. By this question I remembered that I had forgotten my phone at home and I didn't dare call them on Skype. Skype would have made it amazingly easy to give away my friends and make the kids very jealous.

Cream showed me how to play with her dolls and we made a rather fun game of pretend. Tails and I played chess on some days and he showed me moves I could use on my brother. One night, Rouge had taught me how to play poker and had a long game night with Shadow, Knuckles and my parents. Sonic taught me how to play my guitar after Tails had cleaned it up. After a few days I knew my cords and was playing more complicated songs. Amy and I chatted a few times about some things that guys didn't find interesting and things that would be fun to do with our lives.

Finally after Espio checked out my battle wound, he said that I could start going outside. I was very excited at first, at least until I found out I was supposed to stay on the porch. Cream and Charmy cheered me up best I could, and it did feel good to feel the sun on my skin and to smell the thick tropical air.

The days slowly turned into a week and I was now up and walking. Knuckles refused to let me help with some of the chores except for gathering fruits from rather short trees and bushes and had Silver go with me.

"Oh, it feels good to be back on my feet." I said as Silver, Cream, Charmy and myself started gathering the biggest strawberries I had ever seen.

"It's good to have you back, Em." Cream said, slipping a strawberry into her mouth. "Mmm, these are so good."

"Save some for the rest of us, Cream," I laugh. "We don't want Knuckles discovering that any are missing."

Silver looked around me and snickered. "Say that to Charmy."

I look over and he had strawberry juice around his mouth and his cheeks where bulged slightly. I couldn't help but laugh. It hurt my side, but I didn't care, laughter was the best medicine. I took out my Touch and snapped a picture of the bee. "I'll be keeping that one,"

"How many pictures do you have on that?" Silver asked.

"Of you guys?" I ask. "I have lots."

"Can I see?" Cream asked.

"Sure," I said scrolling through the pictures. "Most of them are from around here since my touch didn't have a camera before I met you guys."

As I scroll through them, I found some really good pictures. There was one of Knuckles sitting on the couch with some old documents. One of Shadow leaning against the tree in thought and a good one of Sonic playing my guitar while sitting on a rock. Then we found some crazy ones. One was Sonic running away from Amy. Another one was the Chaotix pulling the whipped cream prank on Knuckles, Knuckles still had no idea I was in on it and had given Vector the idea. One was of Rouge flirting with Shadow, the look on his irritated face was just priceless.

We were laughing more than picking. I finally had to sit down and give my side a rest. I pick and strawberry and eat it, now knowing why Cream and Charmy were having a hard time not to eat them. They were the sweetest, freshest, and juiciest strawberries I had ever tasted. Then again, the volcanic soil must have been very rich.

"I sure am going to miss it here when I'm well enough to go home," I said.

"You're always welcome here," Charmy said. "Maybe Shadow or Knuckles can teach you how to use Chaos Control so you can visit anytime."

I shake my head. "Chaos Control bothers my back too much. Besides, I can call you guys on my Touch."

"Lets finish up here before Knuckles decides to come check on us," Silver said, wanting to change the subject. "And Charmy you better clean that juice of your face. Em, mind if I take you somewhere?"

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