CHAPTER 3: The Second day Surprise

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I woke up my normal time, which was around six to six thirty. I normally got up around this time so I could go into town with my mom and take care of my great grandmother, but with my foot the way it was now I couldn't help her if I needed to. So for this morning, I got up and simply started writing. I usually got my best idea's in the morning after I had woken up, for reasons I'm still not sure; maybe I get idea's from dreams I had through the night, or I simply can't stop thinking of good idea's to write about.

I open my laptop and continue on of my stories. My hope was to get it published someday for everyone to read it. I sat there typing, not really thinking about what my fingers were doing, but letting them fly over the keyboard. I usually wrote in this style; if I sat down and mapped out the whole story, I would either get board of the story or forget the idea. I was listening to my music while I wrote, I often found good idea's by listening to different artists and songs. For more meaningful parts of a story, I listen to more meaningful songs. Same thing with happy scenes or sad scenes, it depends on where the story is going."

As I was writing, I heard a knock on my door. I save my work and open the door to see Sonic standing there. He was breathing a little heavier than usual, telling me that he just got back from a run. "Morning," He said with his famous crooked smile.

"Good morning," I answer. "Sleep well?"

"We all did," Sonic answered. "I was about to go back in when I saw your desk light was on, so I came up."

"I that case," I said. "Care to come in?"

"Why not," He replied as he walked in and sat in my rocking chair.

I sit by my desk and change the song that was playing; it was a sad one and I wasn't in the mood for such songs right now.

"So how did you hurt your ankle like that?" He asked.

"Because I'm a cluts," I reply. "I was carrying a box up the front porch and I stepped wrong, bending my ankle wrong and spraining it. The worst part was that all my weight was on it, making me fall and spraining it more. My dad insists that I use these crutches so I can keep off that foot."

"Sounds reasonable," Sonic answered.

"I miss walking around like normal," I continue. "And getting to church would be interesting, but at least my arms are stronger."

Sonic laughed. "That's a way to look at it," He answered.

Moment's later Knuckles came up and knocked. "Hey, Shadow's got breakfast ready."

"Great, I'm starved." Sonic said standing.

"I didn't know Shadow cooked…" I commented as we followed Knuckles to the house.

"Yeah," Sonic said. "From what I hear from Rouge, he's really good."

"But why would he make breakfast?" I asked, still absorbing the fact that Shadow cooked.

"I think he feels bad for scaring you yesterday." Knuckles said.

As we walked in, I stopped at the door. My spine was tightening. That was usually not a good sign, that something was either wrong or there was something nearby. I look out at the pasture-to-be, sure that what ever was making my spine tighten, it was out there.

I walk into the house and see that Shadow and Rouge had made a very nice breakfast of scrambled eggs with ham, cheese and mushrooms, with bacon, toast and half a grape fruit on the side. The grape fruits were in a bowl and had a small amount of sugar on top.

"What's all this about?" I asked.

"It's just a thank you for letting us stay with you." Cream said as she helped Shadow and Rouge carry out glasses of orange juice. "We thought since you gave us a place to stay and dinner last night, we would make you breakfast."

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