Chapter 18: Discovery

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I didn't see Silver until the next day. When I woke, I was very sore and could barely move. I was very glad to have Silver walk in. He still seemed tired, but I was glad all the same.

"Hey," He said walking in and closing the door. "Knuckles said I could get up today."

"Lucky," I reply with a smile. "Espio says I'm bedridden for two to three weeks."

"That's all?" Silver asked seeming shocked. "With all that blood you lost I thought you would still be unconscious for a few more days and have to rest up for almost a month. You're healing almost as quickly as a mobian."

"I am?" I asked.

Silver nodded and sat down next to me. Despite the pain I was in, I couldn't help but smile at Silver's gentle face as he looked me over. Don't get me wrong, I was feeling better than yesterday, but my whole body would throb if I moved. I met his gaze mainly to hide the fact that I was in pain, I didn't want him to feel bad about what I did.

Silver looked away suddenly, signaling me that something was up. "Silver?" I ask, resisting the urge to sit up. "Silver, what's up?"

Silver looked at me with a confused expression. "You took a bullet for me,"

I shrug like it wasn't a big deal. "I didn't want you or the others getting hurt," I reply. "I mean, it was my parents we were after."

Silver looked at me and lifted an eyebrow. "That's only half the reason." He said.

"You read minds too?" I ask.

Silver shook his head. "I just read people. A trick I learned from a friend."

I roll my eyes, but my smile faded. "The night I first came here," I explained. "I dreamed I was back in Eggman's base with you and my parents. That's another reason why I sent them away first, I didn't want that dream to come true."

Silver leaned forward slightly.

"I was in that tube again," I continue. "You where standing with my parents. Eggman started the machine and my sixth sense went off. I watch as you yank off the band again, but it hurt you worse this time and you passed out with your nose bleeding. I shouted at you to wake you up, but you wouldn't move. I fell off the couch and woke up with my legs tangled in the blankets."

"That's why you got so worried after I caught you the next day," Silver said, understanding coming to him.

I nod. It hadn't been the worst nightmare I had, but I still didn't want it coming true.

"Well, thank you," Silver said. "I owe you one,"

"I have a better idea," I said. "You promise me that we be there for each other and call it even."

Silver smiled and held out a hand. "Deal,"

I lean back and close my eyes. I try to recall exactly what happened when I was shot. All I remembered was Silver's face, some muffled voices and extreme pain. My hand moved to where the bandages covered my wound.

We sank into silence for a while. Silver turned his gaze to out the window. "You definitely have a beautiful world." He said quietly.

"Well, it was made by one heck of a God, Silver." I answer looking out the window with him. "Took him seven days to make."

"Only seven days?" Silver asked as if shocked. "That's impossible!"

"That's what you said when we escaped Egghead the first time," I said pointing my finger at him. "Nothing is impossible with Him on your side. I guess that's part of why I made it through with so much blood loss."

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