Chapter 16: Escape (Part II)

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Silver watched as Emily's eyes went wide as the bullet entered her body on the left side under her rib cage. "No," He said as her hand went to the wound and she fell to her knees. "No, NO! Em!"

Shadow had turned in horror at the sound of the gunshot, and his super form paled as images of Maria overlapped Silver and Emily.

Sonic and the others rushed to Emily while Silver got to work to stop the bleeding by pressing his hand onto the wound. She had squeezed her eyes shut from the pain and her hand was trembling. Sonic took her hand and squeezed it.

Shadow blinked away his tears and glared at Fake Silver as if his mere stare would burst the imposter into flames. With his eyes glowing with anger, Shadow slowly removed his bracelets, allowing a golden fire to surround his body.

He looked at Sonic and tossed him the chaos emerald. "Get them to safety." He ordered before charging Fake Silver, grabbed him and vanished.

Sonic looked at the Emerald in his hand then looked at Silver, still struggling to stop or a least slow the bleeding. "Silv, we have to work together on this."

"What do you mean?" Silver asked, looking at Sonic with tears in his eyes.

Sonic gave Silver the chaos emerald and took out his super emerald. It was the first time Silver saw a super emerald, but he knew they were slightly stronger than the chaos emeralds.

"You have to feed energy to me through this while I get us back to the island." Sonic explained. "I can get there as Super, but it'll wear me out by the time we're half way there. And personally, I'm not up for a swim."

"Sonic, my abilities still give out," Silver said. "If they do then Em…"

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his knee, making him flinch slightly. He looked down and saw Emily's eyes had opened and she was smiling weakly. "You… can." She said, her voice but a whisper. "I… t-trust ya."

Now the tears were flowing freely. "Must you always play the hero?"

"W-when it…. Comes to helping… a friend…. then yeah." Emily replied.

Silver slowly took a breath and took the emerald from Sonic. He picked up Emily, who was slipping back into unconsciousness. Silver nodded at Sonic, who squeezed his super emerald and again became Super Sonic. They all huddle close to him as he closed his eyes. Silver too squeezed the emerald in his hand, like he had seen Shadow do it. He felt the energy wash over him like a flood, but he had to let that energy get to Sonic by leaning his arm onto his.

"Chaos Control!" Super Sonic said.

Silver felt the energy hit him like a ton of bricks, but he stayed steady and continued to squeeze the emerald.

In this time, Shadow and Fake Silver were in a very heated battle over the Mediterranean Sea, and Fake Silver was loosing terribly.

When they broke apart, Shadow saw sparks flying out of Fake Silver's body. "You're a robot, huh?" Shadow asked.

Fake Silver didn't reply, but tried another attack, but it proved to be in vein. Shadow caught the robot in his hands so the two were face to face.

"You hurt two of my friends," Shadow growled, squeezing Fake Silver's arms. "You kidnapped Emily, and torture her and Silver. It should be Emily or Silver to end you if no one else, but because of the wound you gave Emily you'll have to face me."

"Shouldn't be that bad," Fake Silver hissed. "You couldn't save your Maria fifty years ago,"

Shadow froze.

"Heck, you couldn't even save that Molly." Silver continued, his voice deepening. "What makes you think you can save her as well? Eggman will get her eventually. You can count on that, Shadow."

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