CHAPTER 6: Silver

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I woke slowly, my head felt like it was in a fog. I shook myself awake best I could and opened my eyes. My eyesight was blurry and I wasn't sure where I was.

"Hey," Said a rather young voice.

"Mmmnn," I say, unable to say anything else.

Then I felt a gentle touch my wrist. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I… I think so," I answer trying to get my eyes to clear.

In front of me was a white figure, who was no taller than Sonic. As my eyes cleared, I saw he had dark circle around his golden eyes. Forcing my eyes to clear was giving me a headache. I close my eyes again and grit my teeth from the pain.

"You just relax for now." Said the figure. "Eggman won't be back for a while."

"Eggman," I mumble, opening my eyes again. "He kidnapped me. I have to get home."

"It's okay," The figure said trying to calm me down. "You'll be alright, just calm down for a moment."

Finally my eyesight clears and I can get a good look at the figure. It was in fact Silver the Hedgehog. I stared at him for a moment, noticing a metal band around his head.

"My name is Silver." He said, obviously trying to calm my nerves. "Silver the Hedgehog, that's all I can tell you though. What's your name?"

"Emily," I answer. "What is that on your head?"

Silver touched the metal band almost sadly. "This thing keeps me from using my abilities." He explained. "I tried to take it off myself, but it hurts every time."

I sit up and inspect the band. It was stainless steel by the look of it, and Eggman's logo was on the side. I wrap my hand around it, but Silver flinched away. "Please don't." He said barely above a whisper.

"Sorry," I say lowering my hands. "I have a friend that may be able to take that thing off of you. But we have to get out of here first."

"That may be harder than it sounds," Silver said. "I've tried to get out of here before but it's nearly impossible."

"Nearly impossible," I repeat as I get up and look at the cell we were in. The bars were close together, but I could easily slip through them. "But I think we can at least get out of this cell."

"How?" Silver asked.

I slowly move my body between he bars and shimmied myself through to the other side. I looked back at Silver, who was looking at me with a shocked look on his young face. "I sure am glad I'm small. Hand me that needle there and I'll pick the lock."

Silver did as he was told and handed me the needle. I guessed Eggman left it there after using it on a prisoner. I inserted the needle into the lock and started to move it around, carefully feeling for something to give. Eventually, I heard a click and felt the needle give way to something. I pull the door of the cell and it easily swung open.

"Where did you…." Silver started to ask, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the cell.

"Youtube." I answer as I pull him along the hallway. "Never thought that picking locks could come in handy."

I soon spot a Vent along the floor and open it. Signaling Silver to get in, I follow him and replace the vent door.

"Do you know where a hangar is?" I ask Silver.

He nodded a motioned me to follow.

Well, while all this was going on, Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles were looking everywhere for Emily. Tails, Amy and Cream took the newly repaired Labarum out to look too, mostly taking back roads and dirt roads. Rouge took to the skies to get a birds eye view on where she might be.

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