CHAPTER 1: Returning

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Sonic was out for a run, as he usually was. He loved feeling the wind in his quills and strength pumping through his legs. Things had been almost too quiet since Chris went back to his world, not even Eggman has shown up.

"Sonic, do you read me?" Came a voice from Sonics' wrist.

Sonic stopped and opened his comlink that Tails had built for everyone for their adventure in space. "Read ya loud and clear, pal, what's up?"

"We need you at Mystic Ruins right away." Tails replied. "Knuckles just radioed in saying the Master Emerald is going nuts. He's been trying to contain it but it's sucking his energy, I'm not sure how much more he can take."

"I'll be right over, tell him to hang in there." Sonic said as he turned and dashed to Mystic Ruins.

When he got there, all he could see were green bolts of lightning coming from the Master Emerald and Knuckles trying to contain it. Everyone was there trying to keep the giant emerald under control and keep Knuckles upright.

"Knuckles! What happened?" Sonic shouted over the energy bursts.

"I'm not sure!" Knuckles shouted back, sounding tired. "The Emerald just suddenly letting off energy!"

Shadow gripped Knuckles shoulders, trying to feed the Guardian some energy to hold the chaos, but it was no use. Suddenly, they were all hit by the lightning and everything went black.


I was resting in our living room, trying to stay off my sprained ankle best I could. I was enjoying my favorite movie Transformers. Yes, I'm a girl and I love Transformers. I liked a lot of guy stuff and never really enjoyed girly stuff like princesses, dresses, makeup or the color pink.

How I sprained my ankle was during our move. I stepped wrong on my foot while I was carrying a box and all my weight was on that foot, sending me to the floor.

My mom and dad were staying with my grandparents since they had an early start at my moms work while a big sale was going on all week, my dad was giving her a hand with that. My brother and two sisters were with my grandparents in Iowa for a family reunion for the month so I had a whole week to myself. I needed some time to relax; school was finally over for the summer and I could do literally anything ankle permitting.

It was at my favorite part in Transformers when Sam is trying to hide the autobots from his dad. I laughed when they were hiding around the house as Mr. Witwicky looked out the window at his now ruined yard. Suddenly, I heard a noise outside in my dad's leather shop.

I pause my movie, grab my crutches (my dad insisted that I use them to let my ankle heal) and went out to the large, two story barn. The downstairs was my dad workshop and upstairs was my room/studio. I put my ear against the door and listen. Someone was definitely in there. I open the door just a crack and peek inside. My eyes went wide at what I saw and heard.

"Ow! Is everyone alright?"

"We're okay Sonic,"

"Rouge, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Shads."

I drew in a breath at these names and the voices. In front of me, in my dad's workshop, were the Sega characters from Sonic X! My brother and I were fans of these guys and had seen almost all Sonic episodes thanks to Youtube since we haven't had cable for over a year.

Unsure what else to do, I start to move backward. Unfortunately, I was still getting used to my crutches and I tripped over them with my good foot. I tried to stop myself from falling with my bad foot, which only made the sprain worse and again, sending me to the ground.

"OW!" I said, not realizing how loud it was.

Seconds later, a dark figure was standing over me. I look up to see it was a black hedgehog with red markings and gold bracelets. It was Shadow.

"Who are you?" He asked, in such a menacing tone it made me shiver slightly.

Sonic X 1: ReturningWhere stories live. Discover now