Chapter 15: Escape (Part I)

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Back on Angel Island, Cream, Cheese and Amy were closely watching over Knuckles. Amy was still stewing over being left behind while Sonic played the hero…AGAIN!

"Don't worry, Amy," Cream said. "I'm sure Sonic and the others will be just fine,"

"I know, Cream." Amy relied as she looked out the window. "I just wish I could have gone."

"Do you think we'll meet Emily's parents soon?" Cream asked, trying to distract Amy.

"Maybe," Amy said, turning to look at Cream. "I wonder what they're like."

"Me too," Cream said. "I hope they'll like us. Emily did say that she wasn't sure how they would react if they met us."

"I'm sure they'll like us, Cream," Amy said with a smile. "They'll be meeting Sonic, Rouge, Tails and Shadow first during the rescue, and who wouldn't like Sonic?"

We walked through the corridors and passages of the maintenance shafts. I was very glad that my parents was taking this so well, though it was possible they were still absorbing the facts that they were being rescued my their oldest daughter and a bunch of animals that talked.

Tails and I took the lead, using my Touch to guide us. Sonic was behind us in front of my parents with Silver. Shadow and Rouge took the rear so my parents where perfectly safe.

Finally, we came to another door. I step aside so Silver could do his thing. Silver used his abilities and carefully pried the door open so not to make too much noise. Sonic and I peek out of the door at the open halls. Not a robot in sight.

"Must be our lucky day," Sonic said, signaling that the coast was clear.

Slowly, everyone fallowed us into the hall. It was pure white with a gray floor. Shadow stepped in front of my parents and took out his emerald.

"Emily, I'm still against this," My dad said. "Why can't he take all three of us?"

"Because I loose energy when I use chaos control." Shadow explained. "I may be the Ultimate Life Form, but I have my limits when it comes to energy. I can only take two at a time without wearing myself out. And I'm planning to come back and help the others escape."

"Besides," I said. "I can't leave my friends, they've helped me and protected me from Eggman for over a month and showed me how to fight so I could come rescue you guys. Go ahead Shadow."

Shadow nodded and took my mothers hand. "Sir, you hold onto her,"

My dad obeyed and took my moms hand. I hug them one last time to ensure them that I would be alright, and it took me a minute to release my grip because my father would not let go.

I stepped back and gave a wave. "Dad, be nice to the others on the island." I said. "At least try to."

"I promise," My dad replied.

I nod to Shadow, who nodded back and squeezed his emerald. "Chaos Control." He said, vanishing in a gold light

I bite my lower lip. I didn't want them to go so soon either, but I knew that the longer they were here, the more danger they were in. Besides, I didn't want Eggman to use them to get to me. Speaking of Eggman, It was time to trash this place and stop him.

"Amy, Shadow's back!" Cream shouted.

Amy was changing the bandages on Knuckles head. "I'm coming, Cream!" Amy called back as she finished taking care of Knuckles and went out to see Shadow.

With Shadow where two humans. A woman who was no taller than Emily and looked a lot like her. The man next to her was a head taller and he had a full goatee. Both were dirty and bruised in places, but otherwise looked fine.

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