Chapter 17: Waking

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Everyone in the village hardly woke from the battle last night. Sonic found a comfortable branch and watched the dwindling stars until he had fallen asleep. He thanked God for giving him the strength to make it back to Angel Island so Emily could get help in time. Now he only hoped that she would make it through.

'Why should I be worrying?' Sonic asked in prayer. 'It's all in Your hands. I'm just along for the ride.'

Sonic sighed and dropped off to sleep, scenes of the battle replaying in his mind.

Shadow was the only one who didn't sleep soundly. He was constantly waking up to check on Emily's vital signs to make sure she was alright. Finally, he pulled up a chair and stayed in the room with her. He remembered doing this for Maria when her illness caught up with her once and she had to stay in bed for almost a week.

Shadow leaned back and relaxed, but tried not to sleep. Lately he had been dreaming of times he had almost destroyed the world. In his dreams he was always fighting to reverse what he had done, but he always woke tired and sore.

Finally, he couldn't fight sleep any longer and he dropped off. The same dream replayed itself; GUN Soldiers, the Black Arms, and the Metorex where all after him. He fought for a long time, but he was wearing out faster than usual.

"Weakling," A Black Arm Alien hissed. "Why do you still fight for them? Ones who want you dead?"

Shadow stopped for a moment, the dreams never spoke before.

"You nearly killed the planet twice, Shadow," Black Doom rumbled. "It's a wonder they haven't disposed of you."

Shadow closed his eyes, trying to block away the voices.

"It was because of you, Maria died, Shadow." A GUN Soldier bellowed. "She died to save you when it should have been the other way around. You where the first one in that shuttle when she was shot. After that, you turned your vengeance on the world and nearly killed millions of innocent people. You are but a monster."

Shadow felt his heart wrench as he again heard the gun shot explode around him and Maria's delicate figure laying on the cold floor, her gentle smile still showing through the pain.

"It was the same with Molly," Said a Metorex. "She would have died at ease in the bomb explosion and not by my hand if it wasn't for you."

Shadow sank to his knees as more painful memories flooded him, almost drowning him in anguish. His enemies approached him, but Shadow didn't react, he deserved to be devoured by them from the things he had done. Suddenly a light exploded around Shadow, driving the enemies back.

"Enough!" Said a strong males voice. "You shall not have this one."

The enemies hissed as they backed away from the weary Shadow. The Man who had spoken gently picked up Shadow and carried him away from his tormentors.

"They're right," Shadow said. "Many have died because of me."

"Many have died because of me as well Shadow," The Man said gently, but almost sad. "I know the pain of loosing someone close."

"You should let them have me," Shadow said, so tired he couldn't resist the Man's gentle touch. "After all I have done, I of all people deserve it."

"I know," The Man replied. "But I forgive you of those times. By My blood and Testimony, they have no right to you."

Now Shadow knew he was dreaming, but he was so tired he just played along. "But I nearly destroyed everything… twice."

Sonic X 1: ReturningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz