Chapter 11: Storm Clouds

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In this time, Knuckles showed me how to easily chop wood and use the older trees so the younger ones could spread out a bit. It had now been a half hour since Silver was taken to Tails' house.

Suddenly, my iTouch buzzed in my pocket, making me jump. I put down my load of wood and take out my iTouch, seeing that Tails was calling me. "Hey, Tails." I said answering the call. "How's Silver?"

"He'll be alright, Em." Tails replied. "He's asleep now, but I think he'll be back on his feet in an hour or so."

"Perfect, I'll see you guys at lunch then."

"So Silver is alright?" Cream asked.

"He'll be fine." I assure the young rabbit.

"See you guys then." Tails said and hung up.

I breathe a sigh of relief and hang up. I wasn't sure why I felt close to Silver. Perhaps it was because he eased away that tension in my back, or he and I have been through the same thing.

Tails' call set me at ease for a while, at least long enough for me to help finish gathering fruit with Cream and carry wood with the guys. At times I couldn't help but stop and look at the beauty of the island; like a bright butterfly I'd never seen before. When it moved its wings shifted colors.

Finally lunch came around and we started lugging our supplies to the small village. Rouge had taken the labarum back to my house so she can keep tabs on the place. Knuckles was against the idea of letting her get away with a chaos emerald, but Tails had assured Knuckles that only he could get into the compartment where the emerald was.

I carried the wood to the woodpile and offered to help with the fruit and water too, but Knuckles waved me off. "You need to see Silver." He said. "Go on."

I nod and jog over to Tails place. Tails must have been looking out the window because he opened the door and allowed me in.

"He's still asleep," Tails explained as he led me to where Silver was staying.

The room was painted a light blue and looked like a regular boys room. On the bed was Silver; he was sitting up and about to test his legs. He looked up and smiled as we entered.

"At least I though he was." Tails said, offering an embarrassed grin. "How do you feel, Silv?"

"Better," He said, finally standing and straitening his body. He smiled with pleasure that he remained standing. "Much better. What's left to do?"

"Just water," I answer. "But Knuckles told me to come here."

Silver smiled and took a step. Then two. He smiled again and lifted a hand to a baseball on one of the shelves. A blue glow settled over it and it floated to his hand. "Tails, how long until my abilities are back to normal?"

"If you practice," Tails answered. "I'd say about two weeks."

Silver looked at the ball in his hand before looking at Tails. "You don't mind if I use this do you?"

"Not at all." Tails replied before looking at me. "Sorry for dropping you."

"You didn't drop me," I relied. "I slipped, it wasn't your fault."

Tails smiled but still seemed mad at himself. I put a hand on his shoulder and grin at him. "Hey, don't worry about it. I didn't get hurt, right?"

"Right," Tails said.

"And I'm not mad, am I?" I ask.

"No," Tails answered, smiling slightly.

"So, don't worry about it." I said. "Chin up, okay Tails?"

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