"Happy? If looking like you is the definition of happiness in a relationship. I don't think I want to be with anyone."

" Yah! Wheein not anyone is Yong. Well, I know it's also my fault. I make her choose between me and her career. Of course I'm a loser she will never pick."

I tap her shoulder I know this will end up in another night of endless crying, endless regrets and endless curse from unnie. I know she's drunk already I went to the counter to pay the bill. I guide her outside to get her a cab. As I send her home. I stand on the side while staring at the far away vehicle. I shook my head. Pity for her case. I heeve a deep sigh and started to head home. I'll walk to take a subway to my home. I drop in the convinience store to get some water. When I bump with someone as I turn around. I bow down and shocked as I look in the person I bump with.

Is this destiny? We bumped literally. I recalled what I have said earlier that if we bump again it's destiny.

"Hello! Hey, are you okay? I said I'm sorry."

I was awaken from my deep thoughts. I continuesly nod.

" No... No... It's me. I'm sorry. " I bow and swayed from my trans. She hold my wrist and catch me.

" You're drunk stop being sorry. It's okay."

She's about to leave but I held her hand. She was flustered and gaze on our hand.
Give me a quizical look. I take back my hand and coyly smile.

" Wheein." I offered my hand and she stared at me for a while before shaking my hand. She smile back.

" Hyejin."

It takes as a while shaking our hand that she point it out on me to let her go. I felt embarrassed but shyly hide it a smile.

"I think I should be going. Bye." She said and it's makes me worried if I will ever see her again.

"W-wait! Uhm... When... Where... I mean... How can I see you again?"

She only giggles and stares at me for a while then shakes her head.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's just... I... I just..." I sighed in defeat. I nodded and say goodbye. " Bye, take care."

She fumbled on her wallet and get some card and slid it on my pocket she smiles and take her leave. Taking one last glance on me before leaving the store.

I fumbled on my pocket and look at the small card. It's her business card.

Ahn Hyejin.

I dialed her number and she answered the call.

"Hello?" I said but she's still quiet on the other line. "Hi, it's Wheein. Remember?"


"Uhm... Are you at home?" I asked.

"I'm walking... I'm almost here. You? Still outside?" She asked.

I purse my lips and bite my lower lips not fell in her simple care. Is this how it felt to be cared?

"I'm having ramen here to get sober. Let's eat."

I heard her grunt and sigh.

"You should invited me earlier. I'm home already."

I felt happy to where our conversations leading.

" Maybe... Can I invite you to ramen next time? Ot tomorrow maybe?" I heard her cute giggles.

"Aren't you going too fast? We've just met minutes ago remember and you' re asking me to a date?"

"Is that a date? I just asked you to eat out. Well, I've been staring at you the whole time it's been hours maybe that's why I'm too familiar."

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