Chapter 54: Countdown before destruction (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

We then see Gray, Shiki, Rebecca, Weisz, Happy, Pino, Asa, Jimin and Kameko as they were getting ready as Asa asked Gray.

Asa: So what's the plan? Doesn't look like we can just rush out and start blasting them.

Gray: This Star destroyer is still new to me and it be hard to navigate.

Shiki: So what can we do?

Pino: We only have 10 minutes until their cannon fires and destroyers Blue Garden.

Gray: Then we stall them. Here's the plan. Rebecca, Happy, Asa, Jimin and Kameko  will head to the navigation room to give us the layout of this ship. Weisz and Pink will make their way to the cannon and try to stall it as best you can or even destroy it if necessary. While Me and Shiki will head to tne bridge and confront my brother and try to convince him to stand down.

Weisz: You think he'll listen?

Gray: No but I gonna stop him without killing him. Disbite his actions he's still my brother and I refuse to harm him.

Shiki: Same here. If you deserve a second chance then so dose your brother.

Gray: Yeah.

Kameko: Question? How do we make our way to our locations? They will immediately shoot at us if we cone out?

Gray: Well it's a good thing I brought these along.

Then he open a chest to reveal Stormtrooper armor which they stare at and then look at each other.

(Short while later)

Rebecca, Asa, Jimin and Kameko are seen walking down the hallways while wearing their Stormtrooper armor as a few Stormtroopers and tie fighter pilots walk or rush by them as they continue walking down the halls.

Happy transformed into his twin pistol form and hides within the holsters which Rebecca has on her.

Asa: Jeez who knew we get to wear this armor again.

Kameko: Well at least we can see your sexxy ass again.

Rebecca: Sexxy ass?

Kameko: Seriously? Asa ass is so sexxy! Take a look.

Rebecca did so and Kameko was not joking and find Asa's ass to be very sexxy.

Rebecca: (surprised) Whoa your not joking! They are really sexxy.

Kameko: I know right. Bet Y/n would like to slap her ass I'd he was around.

Asa: Can we force on the mission please!

Jimin: Over there.

They look over to see a Imperial officer enter a room qhich they follow as the doors open and they found themselves at the navigation room as they see a few Imperial officers on their monitors and typing while they make their way up to the main computer as they get there and they start downloading the map and sending it to Gray.

Asa: Good, now we just wait here and we should be fi-

???: Asa? Asa is that you?

They slowly turn around to see a female Imperial officer as she walk up to Asa as she reply.

Asa: Uuuuuummmmm.....yeah?

???: (surprised) Holy crap! It's really you! I misses you girl~!

Asa: Wait? Anzu?

Anzu: (smile) Yes! OMG It's been years girl! How is things?!

Rebecca: Um do you know this girl Asa?

Asa: Yeah. We were friends at the Imperial academy before we were asigned on different roles.

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