Bonus Chapter - Love life

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Jess's P.O.V

After the madness that has happened over the last few days I had finally gotten some piece and quiet. I had wanted to go see a movie at a drive in with Grayson but our posts have blown up and I've gotten recognized by 10 people in the last two days just by stopping at the library (Which was essential).

Now it was ten at night and I was sitting by the massive fireplace, reading with hot chocolate. Just as I was getting into the good part of my book my sisters came into the room. They were talking very loudly and when they finally noticed me sitting there they went quiet. I raised my eyes as Avery spoke.

"Sorry, we can leave." Avery said. I closed my book and shook my head.

"No it's fine." I said back. Avery nodded and sat down on the arm chair next to mine. Libby sat next to Avery.

"So," Avery begun. "Care to talk about your love life?" I looked over to Avery and laughed.

"What's there to talk about?" I said. Avery rolled her eyes.

"I don't know maybe the fact that you're dating Grayson?"A blush covered my cheeks.

"We're together what's else is there to say?" I said. Libby shook her head.

"You're dating Grayson Hawthorne that's exciting!" Libby said with a smile on her face.

"It is pretty amazing." I said with a smile. "But let's steer away from me, you two seem to be catching the interests of two brothers I know." I said well raising my eyebrows. Libby and Avery both began blushing.

"Nash isn't interested in me." Libby said. Me and Avery looked at each other and laughed.

"You two spent lots of time together and you don't feel anything for him?" I knew she did feel something for him. Libby didn't shake her head.

"You don't deny it!" I said through laughs.

"Maybe I like him a little." Libby's words were no more then a whisper so I decided to question Avery.

"What about you Avery? Got anything going on with Jameson?" Avery looked like she was about to deny it but gave up.

"We may of kissed. Once." Avery didn't meet any of our eyes, only looked away and blushed.

"And you didn't think to tell us?" Avery rolled her eyes at me well smiling.

"Oh, don't be like that. You didn't tell me when you kissed Grayson." It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Well let's make a pact to tell each other about our love lives from now on." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Libby said.

We spent the next hour catching up. I hadn't realized how out of touch with each other we were, and I wished we had been talking with each other more.

So my hour of peace and quiet was not spent reading but rather spending time with some of the people I care most about and most importantly talking about our love lives.


Just a quick short chapter I came up with to end the story off. The next post will be about the sequel!

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