Chapter 1 - White Horse

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"Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes" - Taylor Swift________________________________

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"Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes"
- Taylor Swift

When I get the call I almost fainted.

I'm driving to the high school in minutes. By the time I get there Libby has already arrived. My oldest sister has never looked so nervous in her entire life.

I don't say anything as I sit down next to her, the room is so silent I can hear Libby breathing. The silence is stopped when the principle walks in. I expect my younger sister to follow but instead a young blonde boy—who I can't help but think is the most beautiful person I have ever seen—walks in, wearing a grey suit that probably costs more then all the things I own.

The boy looks at Libby first, gives her a forced smile then looks over to me. The first thing I notice about this boy is though he looks to be about nineteen, his eyes show that his mind is much older than that. His grey eyes are like something I've never seen before, they are so entrancing that when I take my gaze away from his I feel myself wanted to go back for more.

"I didn't realize Ms. Avery Grambs had another sister" The boy said, his voice calm and commanding.

"Jessica Hannah Grambs. I'm 18 and am Avery's half sister. Different mother." I say, my voice loud and confident. The last thing I would want this boy to think is that he makes me nervous, which he in fact does.

The boy doesn't smile, only nods his head slightly, looking at Libby a moment later. I can tell by the way he carries himself that he is used to being obeyed, this only makes me want to do the exact opposite. I won't be rude, I don't know anything about him and picking a fight would be a wrong decision, but I decide that if he says anything remotely offensive I would make him regret it.

The next few moments are filled with silence, the boy however doesn't seem to care that much. He goes and sits down in Principal Altman's chair and begins to look through some of the papers lying on the desk. I find it a bit strange and an invasion of privacy as the boy looks through the folders. If that were my desk I would be quite alarmed to find someone I don't know flipping through my things. I don't dare say anything though, I'm not sure why I'm here or why the blonde boy is and don't wish to offend anyone before I know what's going on.

When the door finally opens I let out a breath of relief and look at my younger sister. When Avery walks in, a confused look on her face, I am suddenly relieved that I was not the only one being kept in the dark.

Avery looks at both me and Libby, a worried expression fills her face. "Is dad..." She asks before she is interrupted.

"You're father is fine" Avery looks surprised as the boy turns around in the chair. He smiles at the confused and shocked Avery.

"W-what?" Avery asked, looking at me and Libby for answers. I shrug at her, Libby looks away.

"As of yesterday, Ricky Grambs was alive, well, and safely passed out in a motel room in Michigan, and hour outside of Detroit." I widened my eyes at his statement and resisted the urge to call him a creep for knowing exactly what our father was doing, but my better judgment came through and told me that that would only end up making things worse.

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