Chapter 6 - Hey Stephen

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"Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel, can't help it if I want to kiss you in the rain"- Taylor Swift________________________________

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"Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel, can't help it if I want to kiss you in the rain"
- Taylor Swift

The next morning was Avery's first day at Heights Country Day. The fancy prep school for rich kids I had attended. Fancy rick kid was now the category my sister now fell into. She was just missing the spoiled brat part.

She hadn't said much to me that morning, but when she had left she handed me a piece of paper that I had yet to look at. She didn't say what is was but I felt like now was a good time to find out.

I headed up to my room that overlooked the pool, opening the blinds I noticed that Grayson was down there, yet again swimming laps.

He noticed me staring and hopped out of the pool. I quickly closed the curtains, a blush covering my face. I should not be staring at Grayson like that anymore, I was mo longer fifteen which meant I no longer got to feel anything for him. I left the window and went to my desk.

I sat down and opened the paper. Avery had written me a letter.


Tell me what you think of these letters. This was all that Tobias had left me and his grandsons.

Dearest, Avery
I'm sorry.

Better the devil you know than the one you don't—or is it? Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. All that glitters is not gold. Nothing is certain but death and taxes. There but for the grace of god go I.
Don't judge.
—Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne

I stared at the note for a moment longer, rereading it over and over. I was thinking that in that letter the old billionaire might have put some sort of explanation, but no. Just that he was sorry. For what? Most people would think that this was amazing.

Then there was Jameson's letter, I would worry about my sister getting close with Jameson later.

Jameson's letter was confusing, and by what Avery had said it seemed that everyone of the Hawthorne grandsons had gotten that. I might be paying Grayson a visit later, which seemed like a good idea till I thought about it more. He wasn't someone I got to tell everything to anymore, he was my enemy.

The letter was confusing. But there was some major differences between the two. One being how Tobias Hawthorne wrote his name.

In Jameson's letter he used his full name, while he signed Avery's letter using his initials. The next thing was his middle name. Tattersall. A very strange middle name.

The next thing about Jameson's letter was that it was written in proverbs. What he was trying to say was still confusing to me.

I spent the rest of my day trying to figure stuff out, rereading the letters 10 times didn't help. My eyes couldn't take it anymore.

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