Chapter 15 - Fearless

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"You put your eyes on me, In this moment now capture it, remember it, cause I don't know if it gets much better then this

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"You put your eyes on me, In this moment now capture it, remember it, cause I don't know if it gets much better then this."
- Taylor Swift

Jess's P.O.V

Grayson began to leave. I followed but was stopped by my sister grabbing my sleeve. "Jess this isn't the end. I know it isn't." I looked into her deep brown eyes that we shared.

"It's over Avery." She shook her head.

"It's not, it can't be. It doesn't feel resolved." Anger was slowly rising inside me. Grayson had just laid himself bare for us and she couldn't except that the game was just a way for Toni's Hawthorne to hurt his grandsons. That was all she could think about. The stupid game, which was clearly so the old billionaire could make a point.

"Avery please give it up." I said the words in a harsh tone, that made Avery look slightly taken aback.

"It's not over. I know it's not, and I will find the answers to all my questions even if no one helps me." I shook my head at Avery.

"Avery people are getting hurt. Jameson ran off to who knows where and Grayson looked like he was gonna cry. Is the end result really going to be worth it?" I asked. "Does the game or your family mean more to you?" Avery looked down.

I turned around leaving Avery in the clearing. I didn't look back, though every instinct told me to apologize. I grabbed Grayson's hand, hoping that he wouldn't pull away. Luckily he didn't let go, only grab it tighter. We walked in silence till I knew we were far away from Avery.

"Thank you." I said to Grayson. He turned to me in confusion.

"For what?" He asked.

"For telling me and Avery about what happened with Emily."Grayson shrugged as if it was an easy thing to talk about.

"You and Avery deserved to know." He said that like it was reason enough but then continued on.

"I'm sorry for how I acted two years ago." I said, pausing. "I should have seen the signs. I knew you were beginning to care for her more than me." Grayson opened his mouth than closed. "You don't have to say anything, you are aloud to be with who you want. And you wanted Emily."

"Jess-" Grayson began to say. I stopped him.

"It's okay if you still aren't over Emily. I can't imagine how hard this must all be and I would hate to make you think you have to rush into a relationship with me-" My mumbling was stopped by Grayson's lips on mine.

When he pulled away I peered up at him, asking for more. He raised his eyebrows. He rested his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you going to let me talk or do I need to kiss you again?" He asked. I immediately blushed but nodded. "The things that happened two years ago are in the past now, the things that happened a year ago are in the past." He paused. "I cared for Emily and her death hurt me like nothing ever had before." He paused again. "But, I can't live my life burdened by my own guilt, I owe it to Emily to let her be remembered for the good things, and not how it ended."

"Grayson, I-" He put his lips to mine again.

"I'm not done." He said, pulling his lips away from mine. "Emily is gone. I can never have her, no matter how much I may think I want her." This wasn't exactly what I thought he was going to say. "Two years ago I thought Emily was the girl I was going to be will forever... That was one of the dumbest mistakes I have ever made." I looked at him slightly dumbfounded.

"What do you mean? Didn't you love her?" I asked.

"I never felt the things I feel with you when I was with her." Those words made my heart seem to beat faster. "Jess, I never loved her but, I think I might love you."

I stared at him in shock. I couldn't breathe. My heart was beating so fast. I had been wanting to hear those words since I was fifteen. I just wanted to know that he wanted me.

"You don't have to say anything. I know that I've treated you terribly in the past-" I cut Grayson off by kissing him. I pulled away to look at his face which was filled with surprise. I stared at him for a moment before he pulled me into another kiss.

He grabbed the back of my head, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning on my tip toes to reach his mouth. Time seemed to stop, the whole world focused on this kiss. Nothing else mattered. Just me and Grayson.

After many moments I pulled away, smiling at that face I had gotten to know all to well. He smiled back at me, the happiest smile I had ever seen to match my own.

"I love you Gray eyes." At the use of the old nickname he smiled more. Just then It started to snow. The snowflakes falling into his hair. I wiped them off as it began to snow more.

"We should probably go." He said. We probably should, but what's life without a little risk. I shook my head.

"Let's stay for a little longer." Grayson didn't argue with me as I grabbed his hand and started dancing with him as the snow fell harder.

"With you I'd dance in a storm, in my best dress. Fearless." I told him. Grayson Davenport Hawthorne only stared at me with his piercing grey eyes.

"You can take my hand and drag me head first because with you I'd dance in a storm. Fearless." He said, matching my words.

And that's what we did. We danced through the storm. Fearless. We danced till my legs almost gave out and out lips were sore from the thousand kisses we'd given each other. I wanted to freeze the night forever. I could relive it a thousand times and never lose those feelings.

Me and Grayson walked back to the house freezing and covered in snow. Standing outside the house Grayson looked so un-heir-apparent-like. The messy hair and white buttoned shirt, unbuttoned and ruffled, made him look real. His grey eyes softer then I had ever seen them before. His crooked grin making me feel things I had never felt before. I stood there for a few minutes admiring what I loved so dearly.

Entering the house no one was there. The lights were completely shut off making the house look even eerier then it already was.

Grayson grabbed my hand as he led me up the hundreds of steps in the stairwell. I was still giddy from the night as we made our way through the house. We didn't head straight for the rooms, we stopped by the bowling alley first.

We played for another 2 hours before my feet were to tried I almost fell over. Grayson caught me in his arms.

"I'm literally falling over, I should probably head to my room." I said, laughing a little bit.

"Let me take you to one more place." Before I could protest he grabbed my hand and led me through more hallways. He led me into a room that was pitch black. When he turned on the lights it took my eyes a moment to adjust to the light before I realized where we were.

We were in the theatre, not the theatre with the stage but the one with the massive screen. There I plopped down on the closest chair and immediately slumped down.

"What movie should we watch? Any movie you want." I had to think about that before I said '10 things I hate about you'. Grayson nodded and headed over to turn on the movie.

When Grayson returned he sat down next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I made it though a grand total of 15 minutes before I was asleep on Grayson Hawthorne's shoulder after spending the best evening of my life with him. And hoping for many more like it.


This had to be one of my favourite chapters, even after writing another book about these two.

I hope you guys are enjoying this rewrite!

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