Chapter 66 - Defeat of Angel

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"Who knew that she was so tenacious? Is it really so bad that I saw her erotic reading material?" Cebrail couldn't help but wonder, the redhead had actually chased her all the way to the abandoned factory. Luckily Rias lost her in the woods between the plaza and the factory.

Standing in front of the factory Cebrail stared at it for a few moments before deciding that she felt like entering and went in.

The building was dark, dark enough to force Cebrail to attempt to light it up using a bit of her Light Power. Unfortunately, however, her Light Power was far closer to moonlight than it was to the sun and thus it didn't shine nearly brightly enough to pierce through the darkness.

"How annoying..." Cebrail sighed, she really disliked tedious things like defective products and man did she feel defective sometimes.

Gabriel's daughter not only had low Light Power but Light Power that resembled that of a Fallen Angels!

Bunch of Magic Power that she just couldn't use for much besides basic spells and keeping her body from falling apart.

Truthfully if anyone really thought about it seriously and wasn't looking at who she was related to or what she SHOULD be like, they might find that she was perhaps the ABSOLUTE WORST of both her Human and her Angel sides. Like oil and water, her blood just hadn't mixed very well at all.

She had her Sacred Gear and her skills from her past life but both could only get her so far since her Sacred Gear wasn't a Longinus Class and her fighting skills while good wasn't exactly something someone couldn't theoretically learn themselves.

Her Sacred Gear was of course still amazing in her eyes, its versatility made it come across as quite powerful and gave her a variety of options that made it difficult for others to pin down its true effects. Unfortunately, this too could only get her so far, after seeing Issei earlier she simply couldn't help feeling incredibly insecure.

He was capable of "taming" so many girls in the hentai not just because of his nice guy persona but also because of his might. The Boosted Gear was in Cebrail's eyes, "a weapon which overcomes logic" making it one of the most dangerous.

Its ability was immensely simple but far too dangerous to disregard. Dangerous enough to basically hard carry Rias' entire peerage while still being new to the supernatural world.

It was rather pathetic on Rias' part but still, it was a show of just how overpowered he was. Truthfully Cebrail was even certain that she didn't actually know all of its effects and powers.


"Muu... no I'm not that worried... I'll figure something out when we get there." Cebrail said easing Epis lightly. Indeed it wasn't something she had to be worried about just yet instead it would be better to focus on things that really mattered.

Like it wasn't as though she'd have to fight Issei in the future anyways.

Stepping further into the factory the door suddenly closed behind Cebrail surprising her.

She shouldn't be afraid of ghosts but since they probably existed in the Dxd verse she felt a bit uneasy. A being that is already dead and therefore cannot be killed but can still very much kill you. Rationally speaking It was basically cheating, they even have noclip.

However, this incident was caused by no ghost and Cebrail was made to realize this as she very narrowly dodged a claw strike aimed straight for her head.

A cut formed on Cebrail's face and blood trickled down onto the hand which was next to her.

"OW!" A familiar voice cried out as the hand began sizzling due to an adverse reaction to Cebrail's holy blood.

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