Chapter 59 - Strategic Retreat

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A look of panic planted itself on Cebrail's face as she turned her attention to her shadow.

Cebrail's face distorted in such a fashion that one might not even recognize her at all.

One of her eyes was half closed, her brows formed a deep valley, and her teeth were gritted in a frown.

"You..." Cebrail wanted to say something to her aunt but staring at the sword she decided against it.

Flicking her wrist she pulled a small ball out of her Dimensional Storage and threw it.

"I won't let this go, family or not." Cebrail warned her aunt in an icy tone, her anger barely being restrained.

"I see." Marilyn didn't care about threats from her niece all that much however at the very least she could tell the girl would be more serious, which meant her data would no doubt be more accurate.

The small ball which was thrown by Cebrail landed on the ground and instantly exploded into a thick cloud of smoke.

"Earlier with what you said I was a bit confused. Those subordinates of yours, it seems as though you think they'd be better off on their own yet you still take them in." Marilyn looked around in the smoke, oddly she sensed multiple objects around her now in the Church. When it came to Cebrail however she couldn't even hear the slightest rustling of the girls' clothes much less the sound of her footsteps or breathing.

It was like she had simply vanished into thin air. So Marilyn was going for provoking tactics.

"If you know being with you hurts them, shouldn't an Angel like yourself be more selfless? You could always just create a shelter or something." Marilyn took a few steps forward through the smoke when it suddenly dissipated letting the mage regain her vision.

"Oh." Marilyn looked to the left and saw various swords embedded into the wall.

"Oh..." Marilyn looked right and once again saw a multitude of swords stuck into the wall.

"Perhaps I may have gone a little too far..." Marilyn mumbled looking at her own sword which she had thrown embedded into the ground and glowing. She only had enough time to snap her fingers to produce a barrier around Jeanne before the entire church was enveloped and evaporated by an explosion of magical holy water.

"AHHHHH! HUH! HUH! HUHHHH!?!?!?!!" Jeanne floated in the air flailing wildly but unharmed she stared at the ground which was once a church and was now a crater.

Floating gently she landed next to her master who was on the only piece of land left standing as she had put up a magic barrier around herself.

"She's gone..." Marilyn observed as she looked around at the destroyed area.

"She ran away!?!" Jeanne yelled in disbelief then she thought about it again. "Actually that makes sense, you're really scary teacher!"

Marilyn grabs the up-and-coming saint by the face and lifts her up so her feet were no longer touching the ground.

"OWWW! OW! OW! OW! OWWWWW! TEACHER, PLEASE STOP! I'M SORRRRYYYY!!!!!" Jeanne pleaded for her life while desperately grabbing Marilyn's arm. Unfortunately like always her teacher's arms and grip were as sturdy as an old man after downing an entire bottle of Viagra.

(She retreated the moment she felt her ally was injured. After using this much power she likely went to Heaven.) Marilyn could go to Heaven after her but attacking Cebrail there is the same as asking to be executed by Gabriel. Marilyn was under no illusion of defeating Gabriel, especially not in Heaven. It would be like trying to defeat Zeus on Mount Olympus or in Greece.

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