Chapter 37 - Extras Begone!

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"Before we plan anything, wait a moment." Cebrail said and a silver seal of Solomon appeared under all four of them.

Instantly each of their outfits changed due to her dress change magic.

Gadreel was in his normal toga, a light golden wreath, biker shorts which hugged his butt tightly, and sandals.

Latia was wearing an elegant western styled dress that was primarily blue like the tips of her hair and her eyes with black frills on the edges.

Sona wore a long fluffy cape, with a golden scepter, and a large magnificent crown.

Compared to all of the others Cebrail simply now had on a western styled maid outfit.

"We have to get into the proper mood. Rating games are just as much about showmanship as they are about fighting." Cebrail said confidently.

"U-Um, Cebrail..."


"Why do you have a pair of my clothes in your dimensional storage?" Gadreel asked rather reasonably only to get a confused look from Cebrail.

"Is that... important?" Cebrail questions him seriously, as though she really couldn't see what the problem was.

"Y-Yes... I think?" Seeing how confused Cebrail was, Gadreel actually second guessed himself.

"I think more importantly Cebrail, why do you know our sizes? I mean for Sona and Gadreel I get it but the two of us haven't even spoken before and you managed to get all of my measurements right..." Latia says a bit worriedly, hiding her mouth with her fan.

"...Is that also important...?"

"Uhh, YES!"

"Guys, we can talk about Cebrail's strange habits and knowledge later." Sona said, stopping the conversation from tumbling further away from their objective.

"That's right. If we want to impress Roygun we need a plan for victory. Good job with putting the odds against us by the way Sona, it'll really help when we win." Cebrail complimented Sona, causing the girl to push up her glasses embarrassedly.

"Right about thattttt... Sona, was that really such a good idea? I mean it'll be the four of us against around 16 students." Latia questioned Sona's judgment. Though she along with most people at the school knew how smart she was it didn't change the fact that no one was infallible, Latia could very easily tell the Sitri heiress was running on some high emotions even if she was hiding it pretty well.

"Yes, it's fine. Since this castle is sectioned into multiple area we'll spread out the flags and have each of us defending one." Sona began explaining, "Gadreel do you think that you could beat Azril?"

"N-No not really..." Gadreel admitted a bit sadly.

"...Mmm... Can you beat Puriel?"

"Oh! I should be able to manage! I can at least hold her off for a little while!"

"I'm certain that I can beat up Rias before Gadreel takes a fisting." Cebrail said confidently however Sona shook her head and chose not to question her odd wording.

"Maybe it's a bit selfish but I wish to fight Rias this time."

Cebrail stared at Sona who stared back, indeed Sona had something to prove in some sense and Cebrail didn't understand it, however she at the very least could see the girls resolve so she relented.

"Latia. You may have to fight Azril." Sona said.

"Is he really so strong that you have to be so worried about it?"

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