Chapter Six - Sparring Show

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"Thank you for the praise Ms. Angela however it truly was nothing, I simply did what anyone would do." Cebrail continued from where she left off, "I should be the one thanking you in fact for this honor."

"In fact because of your words I have come to the decision that soon I will be going to a school in the Human World to watch over them more personally and learn from them." The crowd cheered at her words, they were excited that the princess would be making more public appearances and loved that she was also going to be spending more time around humans.

Angels couldn't help but love humans as that was how God programmed them. Even Lucifer was no exception to this rule. They loved humans even more nowadays after God's death as humans were made in God's image, looking at them and even helping them comforted the Angels greatly.

Seeing that Cebrail had nothing else to say Raphael stepped forward past Azril and took the microphone from her gently.

As she moved to stand back in front of her mother Raphael spoke once again, "From this point forward we shall give each of these precious children their own set of cards and they may speak a few words if they wish. First Azril."

Raphael took a small deck of cards with the symbol of the suit of clubs and Azril stepped forward, bowing his head and taking the cards. "Thank you very much Lord Raphael and Ms. Angela."

With his thanks he walked back to his place and next Gadreel was called up. He was given the set of cards associated with the diamond suit. "Thank you very much Lord Raphael and Ms. Angela and everyone, I'll do my best not to let you down!"

Finally called up was the girl standing in front of Michael, Puriel, with a childish smile and bright eyes, she looked very much different from how she was back in the conference room. Like a kind and caring golden child.

(How fake~) Cebrail thought casually. It wasn't like she was angry about it, people act differently in front of different people, it's just a fact of life. She was however a bit disappointed, based on the girl's brazen attitude before Cebrail had thought she was a rather genuine person that didn't hold back their feelings. Seems that was only the case around people she thought were weaker than her.

"Thank you so much Lord Raphael and Ms. Angela and thank you to all of my fellow Angels!" Raphael smiled kindly at Puriel and moved to take the microphone from her thinking she was done however the child continued to speak. "I have a really good idea!"

"I'm sure like me all of you are wondering how our 'princess' has been over the years since she hasn't shown up much in public, so how about we end this grand ceremony with a demonstration of her skills!" The people in the crowd seemed to like Puriel's idea but the four Seraphs looked at each other with worry.

"So what do you say Lady Cebrail?" Puriel asked in a cutesy filled with confidence upon seeing the worried eyes of the Seraph.

Even Gabriel herself put her shoulders and looked down on her with eyes filled with warning.

"U-Um... I really don't think-" Gadreel was about to try and step in but was interrupted by Cebrail's own words.

"Whatever." She gave a one word response to Puriel's challenge and stepped forward without even the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Alrighty then~" The two girls stepped down from the stage onto the regular floor of the stadium.

"Why didn't you just fly down?" Cebrail asks curiously as the two stand in front of one another.

"This is just a sparring match right? I wouldn't want to hurt you too bad you know~"

"I see..."

For an Angel their wings and halo were sort of like miniature transformations. On regular weak Angels the difference in strength is minuscule at best but for more powerful ones simply releasing their wings is enough for a boost in light power more than two times what it was before.

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