Chapter 61 - A New Weapon

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"So... you're one of Solomon's chosen then?" Elmenhilde asks Cebrail as the two walk through the forest around her secret base.

"Indeed. That is what I am."

"..." Elmenhilde stared at Cebrail's back with a bit of trepidation in her heart. If perhaps she had learned of this when they had just met she would have ran for the hills, however Elmenhilde had gotten to know Cebrail well enough to find that she and Gwyneth were as different as the Heavens and the Earth.
Gwyneth wished to rule the world and Cebrail didn't care about having control over anyone.
Gwyneth used force and Cebrail used words. Though oddly Cebrail seemed quicker on the draw, she likely always went places expecting a fight to break out.

Elmenhilde was curious about where Cebrail's apparent paranoia came from, it was even more apparent given the fact that she met her own blood related aunt for the first time and was already prepared to fight her before the two even left the house.

"So, you must have one then?" Elmenhilde questioned tentatively.

"Have what?"

"A Royal Authority... What's yours?" She didn't exactly know if it was proper form to ask a king candidate about their Royal Authority but she felt things like what is and isn't proper didn't matter to the Seraphim Princess.

"My Royal Authority huh... It's a rather simple ability...Let me just show it to you." Cebrail raised her hand casually, almost as soon as she did so the air around the two lit up like a colorful light show.

"Tehee Hee~" Little giggles came from all around the two and Elmenhilde rather quickly realized what they were.

Fairies. Dozens or perhaps hundreds of them flying around like flies giggling and dancing.
"They really like you huh?" Elmenhilde commented, she didn't get this kind of treatment at all whenever they showed themselves to her.

"Yahoo~" Cebrail cheered, pushing her hand out a bit more.

"Yahoo!" One Fairy flew towards her hand and high fived Cebrail. The moment the high five was done the Fairy floated past Cebrail much like a leaf and landed softly on the ground. "I'm pregnant~"

"..." Elmenhilde had nothing but question marks but couldn't ask anything as another Fairy flew to Cebrails hand.

"High fiveeee~" She smacked Cebrail's hand with her own tiny one before floating past much like the last Fairy and falling gently to the floor. "So nice~"


(I know touching Cebrail feels super good but I've never had an orgasim from it...)




Each fairy was completely laid out on the floor as they passed by, each with various degrees of ahegao faces.

Elmenhilde was suddenly rather jealous. The Fairies looked like they had just had the absolute best ******* down of their lives!
Elmenhilde bit her thumb feeling incredibly compelled to test this out herself, for science of course. However before she could even reach out Cebrail dropped her hand.

"My Royal Authority is a Pleasure Touch. As long as what I'm touching has a soul I can push good feelings into them. It can range from mild comfort to a living super soaker with nothing but procreation in mind." Cebrail explained casually however it made Elmenhilde a bit uncomfortable.

The reason for this was because Cebrail's Royal Authority felt...wrong...

Not just because the ability was similar to Gwyneth's own Absolute Order which ruled over the minds of others but... manipulating someone's soul was an entirely different demon. There weren't that many people with protections against soul based attacks, and the manipulation of one is the same as changing someone's very roots.

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