Chapter 44 - Pouting Times

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"Honey~ don't pout so much~" Gabriel tries coaxing her daughter Cebrail who was sitting comfortably on her lap as she sat on the couch.

Gabriel liked that she was being excessively clingy while she was upset; however her being upset in general was hurting her soul as a mother!

She didn't know what to do really either, all of the parenting books she's read have never worked on Cebrail. She wouldn't cheer up with presents because she already had access to everything she could want. Hugs would only make her inflate her cute little cheeks more. And she didn't have any activities she particularly seemed to enjoy doing enough to get her mind off of what she's annoyed with. Well before she had Roygun's rating games but now that she was on break to be a teacher it wasn't an option.

"If you keep your eyebrows like that you'll get wrinkles~" Gabriel pinches her daughters cheeks while speaking in a baby voice.

"Hmpf." Cebrail just huffs childishly, her ahoge completely unrestrained and bobbing along with her irritation.

"Ahhh~ honey why don't you go out and have fun with your friends to get your mind off of things~ they've been training really hard while you've been going to school."

"Unfortunately It's impossible for me to train with them." Cebrail states simply though she still keeps her frown planted directly on her face.

"You could still help them train. Even if it's just by giving them encouragement, you don't want to neglect your little friends." Gabriel coaxes her daughter further, one of her hands rubbing her little head and the other rubbing her chin like a cat.

"Mmm..." Cebrail seemed to enjoy the patting and leaned into it. "Puu~ Puu~ I need to find them a trainer."

"You can leave that to me honey, just go watch them. It's good to see the people's hard work first hand."

"Mmm, alright." Gabriel smiled at her daughter and stood up with Cebrail in her arms and the two made their way towards the yard opening the side door.

They saw two girls, one with a spear and one with magic. They seemed rather aimless in their actions as they attacked training dummies.

"No good." Cebrail said, catching the other two's attention.

"A-Ah miss Cebrail, how are you?" Tosca greeted her master politely.

"Cebrail, good morning and good morning to you as well Gabriel." Reginleif greeted as well a bit more professionally.

"O-Oh right! Hello Mrs. Gabriel!" Tosca greeted Cebrail's mother hurriedly only getting a giggle from the woman who liked her cuteness.

"You guys are doing it all wrong."

"What do you mean Cebrail?" Reginleif questioned with a bit of a head tilt. Cebrail hadn't taken any special interest in their training so far so they mostly had to make due with just practicing what they knew.

Though Reginleif had somewhat seen how the Valkyrie trained she wasn't privy on the details since she herself was never really allowed to train with them.

"You guys should be starting with physical training first and foremost." Cebrail said tapping her mother so she would put her down.

"O-Oh! Y-You're right! We should train our bodies first!" Tosca agreed quickly. "Umm, but I'm not sure how?"

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 kilometers of running every day. That is the path of the strongest."

"Ohhh?!?!" Tosca looked at Cebrail as though she were the wisest person in the universe; however Reginleif put a hand on her chin, pondering for a moment.

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