Chapter 22 - Engagement and Misfortune

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As she took a step her heel clicked against the ground oppressively and in her brilliance when the door opened in front of herself light pooled into the room as though she were a living spotlight. Her golden hair shone like the sunlight as it flowed behind her however her grey eyes were visibly filled with rage breaking this tranquil and divine image.

The Seraph Gabriel was very much not having a good day. After her precious daughter kidnapped the Gremory heir and the Sitri heir, those damn Devils had been holding it over her head constantly. Sirzechs especially had been pressuring her about the issue. It wasn't as though he was actually offended or anything, it's just that like the dirty no good mindless beast he is after smelling blood in the water he wants to push his luck.

That was why she was currently in the Gremory household's main waiting room. It was lavish with ornate decorations purposefully everywhere from the walls to the carpet everything at the very least felt incredibly expensive.

Gabriel frowned at this and thought, (As expected of a Devil.) With clear contempt.

"Why did you call me here Devil." Gabriel spat out towards the red haired leader of the Devils.

"Well, it has been two months since I proposed my idea to you so I thought you might have forgotten about it." Sirzechs said with a smirk as he sat on a comfy sofa wearing an expensive suit that emphasized his handsome features. Gabriel however didn't care about this and scowled at the man's words. She wasn't even attempting to hide her complete and utter contempt for Sirzechs as she sat down on the couch farthest from him.

"I told you that I would THINK about it boy! All you have to do is be patient!"

"The kids aren't getting any younger. This should happen as early as possible for the effect we want it to have." Sirzechs ignored the Seraph's rudeness instead choosing to try to be reasonable. Unfortunately Gabriel wasn't someone that could be reasoned with when it came to negotiations with races not named Human or Angel.

"This is my daughter's future! An adulterous Devil like yourself may think marriage is no big deal, but we Angels live by principles that aren't just RAPE and MURDER!" Gabriel yelled at him. She was particularly heated because the issue concerned her very own daughter. "We Angels aren't merely savage beasts." She continued in a more cold tone.

"Your way of thinking is far too old fashioned Gabriel. These days we Devils are far closer to Humans than any Angel." Even Sirzechs' patience has its limits and he could easily tell that simply speaking politely wouldn't get him anywhere so he threw a minor insult back at her. "For peace between Angels and Devils this marriage is almost a must."

"Shut up boy. You don't think Michael hasn't told me that enough times already?" Gabriel asked sarcastically flicking her hair out of her face smoothly. "My daughter must marry someone she loves!"

In truth, Gabriel didn't care if it was a man or another woman as long as her daughter was happy. Indeed perhaps if it were another woman that could be an annoying scandal to deal with but she could simply ask Michael to use his honey dipped words on the masses and everything would be alright.

What mattered the most was her daughter's happiness, nothing else. Even if it meant war with these filthy Devils Gabriel would not compromise!

Sirzechs had known long ago that Gabriel had been becoming more peaceful in recent years due to the birth of her daughter, but now after seeing her unwavering eyes he could also tell the Gabriel of the past was most definitely still in there. Her fury was now reserved for her daughter's sake.

He could understand the feeling as well given that he too was a parent.

"How about we compromise them?" Sirzechs asks, folding his hands together as he leans forward in a less casual manner.

Seraphim PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora