Chapter 29 - Unneeded Apology

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Rizevim Livan Lucifer was a man of many qualities.

Ambitious, cunning, prideful, then the list could go on and on. However, there was one thing that he was not.

A coward.

At the very least not anymore.

After gaining Solomon's ring and along with it "Solomon's Wisdom" he changed. He was a special exception in Solomon's game. He had acquired the ring far later in life and wasn't given it by Solomon himself, and thus he wasn't truly a reincarnated person. Instead one could call him a person with "borrowed memories" of a little known light novel series known as Highschool DxD in a simple and peaceful world besides his own. With these memories of course came confusion.

His whole life was just going to amount to him being a stupid antagonist to an average boy obsessed with women's breasts? At first, he tried laughing it off, but when Solomon himself told him that it was true he fell into despair.

Ironically it was a feeble little human girl that pulled him out of the depths.

Now he was the leader of the Khaos Brigade a faction which had managed to gather a great deal of powerful factions spanning multiple races, religions, and existences. Such a conglomeration of power had all but put the supernatural world into a perpetual stalemate protecting the humans from their constant bickering.

Indeed he was a hero that no one would ever even know the name of, but it was fine for him. His reward was seeing all of the things the humans could come up with when left to their own devices and oh how amazing it was.

Cell phones that could allow one to communicate with someone across the world.

Nukes capable of decimating an entire country.

Planes which allow them to fly.

The list only goes further.

So much done in such little time and with no aid from magic or gods or anything else for the most part.

His father was right for believing that humans were God's most perfect creations. And he was a fool for not having seen it sooner.

That was indeed why he was currently standing in front of the base of the Church of Necessary Evil.

It was a simple looking church as one might expect though it was much bigger, big enough perhaps to look grand in an almost humble way.

A Devil would never come near such a place. This subsection of the Church in particular was the best of the best when it came to combating the supernatural, though their means of doing so were technically heretical it was efficient.

Rizevim as he approached was wearing his normal disguise: a fedora, a missing beard, thick sunglasses, and a very expensive-looking suit. He was a vain and prideful man after all, or well he was as a Devil should be.

Stylish even when entering enemy territory.

Taking steps towards the church he felt the intense push back not only from his instincts but from the barrier surrounding the area pushing him back and attempting to purify him to his very core.

"As expected of the "Merlin" of this age." Rizevim complemented aloud as two exorcists burst through out of the main entrance in surprise.

"Who goes there!" One yells.

Both of the exorcists' eyes widened in shock seeing Rizevim walking calmly through the barrier as it tried its hardest to tear him apart. Despite its power, the son of Lucifer was taking no damage at all.

"H-How!" The two exorcists shook in fear seeing Rizevim get closer and closer with each step, they couldn't even muster up the courage to draw their weapons.

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