Chapter 18 - Invasion of the Cadre Princess

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Running towards the explosion the three young girls arrived at the main hall of the house to find the main doorway blown open with a single figure obscured by a large dust cloud.

"You two stay up here." Cebrail ordered the two girls to stay at the top of the staircase and while Rias believed this to be her rescue crew and wanted to go down Sona held her back by the arm.

"Sona! What are you doing?!?" She yelled attempting to snatch her arm away from her friend.

"Rias! We need to stay out of this!" Sona yelled back.

"That's our help, our ticket to escape!"

"Rias, look again."

Though irritated she listened to Sona's words and turned her attention back to the front entranceway where she saw a little girl which was completely unfamiliar to her.

She was a slightly tan girl with grey hair that seemed to have two strange ornaments on each side, beautiful but sadistic sea green eyes. She wore clothes that in truth were something that a child such as herself shouldn't be wearing. Her top was ridiculously small, only just covering the basic minimum, a bottom that resembled bloomers, and frilly nearly see through stockings which emphasized the absolute territory very purposefully. Perhaps if she were older she would turn the heads of men everywhere however now as a child she looked cute but a bit ridiculous as well.

 Perhaps if she were older she would turn the heads of men everywhere however now as a child she looked cute but a bit ridiculous as well

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"The names Cthylla daughter of the cadre Sahariel. How'd you like my flashy entrance!" The Cadre princess announced herself in quite the bombastic manner however, rather than pay much attention to that Cebrail's eyes drifted to the ring on the child's finger.

"I see that you're one of Solomon's chosen. Is there a reason for your visit?"

"I came to defeat you soundly and become the first of the chosen to defeat another!"

"...Right..." Cebrail said it like she didn't believe the Fallen Angel in front of her.

"Before we fight, tell me, what is your Royal Authority? Mine is the ability to detect the truth whether it be in the past, present, or future!"

"That's a pretty convenient ability."

"I know right!"

"Mine allows me to grant pleasure to anything I touch."

"Huh... that's it?"

"What do you mean?" Cebrail seemed confused by the girl's lackluster response to the reveal of her Royal Authority. She wasn't offended per say but she did feel the girl's response could be better.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I knew you were weak but that's crazy! How are you even a king's candidate!"

"Agreed, often I too wonder why I was chosen."

"Listen here... uhh..."

"Cebrail Caritas daughter of Gabriel."

"Well Cebrail I shall be the one to take the seat as the one true king and you shall be my first step to that goal!"

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