Chapter 14 - Cadre Princess

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"Whoaaa~ what the hell happened here?" A young girl's voice questioned outside of a decrepit or perhaps now MORE decrepit church.

"Who are you?" An old priest leaning against the wall with his head still bleeding asked in a tired voice.

"Hahahaha! I am none other than Cthylla, one of the ten king candidates chosen by Solomon himself and the daughter of the cadre Sahariel. Though at home most people call me the Cadre Princess!" Cthylla introduced herself bombastically as she pointed to herself.

"A Fallen Angel? I'm sorry to inform you if you're here for a fight this old man hasn't any left to give you..." The old man said somberly the age lines on his face making him look weak and pathetic.

"If I was looking for a fight I certainly wouldn't be looking for a pathetic human like you!" Cthylla chastised the man as if something like this should be obvious.

The old man couldn't help but compare her to the other two king's candidates he had had the misfortune of meeting in his lifetime. He wondered if all of them were arrogant, the vampire princess very much had a haughty attitude, Cebrail had a calm and quiet confidence, and now this Cthylla was loud; boisterous, and arrogant in a very in your face manner. He couldn't help but muse that maybe one of the most important traits of a ruler is confidence rather than raw power.

"Still tell me what happened here."

"Haha... *cough* *cough* An Angel gave us wicked old souls the punishment we deserve." The old man responded a bit humorously in spite of his injuries.

"An Angel huh?" Cthylla commented blandly. "I was wondering when an Angel would show up with Solomon's Ring, I mean it seems fitting."

"She seems so weak though! Kings like us shouldn't be dealing with nameless grunts!" Cthylla seemed disappointed, after using her Royal Authority of Truth Detection on the old man's words she immediately could see for herself most of the events which had taken place. To say she wasn't impressed was an understatement.

"How could that be a king candidate! Seriously! I'll use her as a stepping stone to my eventual victory." Cthylla walked up to the old man and used a bit of healing magic on him. She had sympathy for weak little guys like him, though she'd never admit it. In her own past life, she was often bullied by the rich girls at her school, she knew what it was like to be powerless in the face of those great simply because they were born.

"A Fallen healing a member of the Church and an Angel with silver light, truly I have seen everything."

"Silver light..." Cthylla found such a thing quite curious, only second generation Fallen Angels had light power which was colored. It signified the impurity of the power in comparison to the original.

Leaving the man to recover she entered the church without paying the skewered man any mind, instantly she saw the secret passage wide open and raised an eyebrow. "Why am I not surprised that a church has a hidden basement?"

Stepping down the stone steps the Cadre Princess found herself in a spacious room with a single man still in it covered in rocks and stuck in place.

"Man, you got DESTROYED!" She jokes stepping in front of the young man.


"Hmm? You can't talk huh, one sec." Cthylla puts a hand on the rock and slowly they crumble away, falling off of the young man who soon falls to his hands and knees breathing heavily.

"Who haa... haa... are you?"

"Princess of the Cadre and one of Solomon's chosen Cthylla. And you are?"

"A Fallen Angel?" The young man tried to tighten his grip on his sword however his body was too weak from being stuck in the rocks for hours.

"When a king is gracious enough to ask you for your name... it's best not to ignore it." Cthylla says in a somewhat dangerous tone, she didn't like being disrespected, not when she was finally the one with the power.

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