Chapter 25 - Insurmountable Odds

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The beast man staring at Kojika let out a sigh and scratched his head helplessly.

"Listen kid, exorcist or not you're clearly an amateur, just go home and forget you ever saw us." He ordered but Kojika simply lowered her sword to properly grip it with both of her hands.

"S-She seems really intent on fighting us... d-deal with her Buffy." The Harpy flew up and hid behind a tree shaking in terror, child or not she didn't want to fight any exorcists.

"Why do I gotta be the one to fight a kid? You do it Gumi!" The beast man named Buffy yelled to the pink girl who just scoffed at him.

"Bah, don't look at me, you're the muscle, Tibbi is the scout, and I'm the brains." Gumi said without much care at all, putting her hands into the pockets of her clean white lab coat and turning away towards the factory entrance.

"So you two can just di*k around and not do your jobs but I gotta do mine? You stupid b*tches." Buffy growled out that last bit with anger, he was a warrior, not a bully. Killing children was beneath him. Indeed it wasn't just because he didn't like hurting kids or anything, definitely.

Turning back around, Gumi with a visibly annoyed expression grabs the beast man by the nose and pulls him down closer so they can be face to face. "This is why you're still a virgin, you slow witted buffoon. That isn't how you speak to two women."

She let go of his nose before he could retaliate causing him to grunt in annoyance and rub his nose. "I'm just saying I've fought two valkyries so far and you guys haven't been able to locate a single kid. Do you know how important this mission is? The big boss wanted this one done specifically, he seemed pretty urgent about it too."

Buffy really respected their boss as everyone apart of the Stray Devil faction did, he was a revolutionary who was helping all the strays created by the misuse of the Evil Piece system get revenge and form their own little group for protection. Under him they had already accomplished quite a few amazing things and as their numbers grew they had become an entire faction of their own, similar to the Fallen Angels. Soon they'd have rights of their own in a sense rather than always being hunted down by all of the other races.

This is what Buffy believed and what he fought for just like most of the members of the faction with nowhere else to go.

"It isn't my fault that the guy didn't even tell us the name of who we're supposed to be looking for." Gumi scoffed clearly not respecting the big boss as much as Buffy.

"I-It isn't the boss's fault!" Tibbi the Harpy yells from behind the tree she was hiding behind.

"Oh? How so?" Gumi raises an eyebrow towards the Harpy causing the young Stray Devil to yelp and retreat further behind the tree. Still, however she finds a bit of confidence to yell once again.

"Solomon's Wisdom is incredibly faulty, It can't make him omnipotent!"

"Isn't that what he told you? A leader will often lie to their subordinates, especially ones as low as you two." Gumi responds rationally.

Buffy wanted to retort but Kojika, getting impatient, threw a few ofuda which stuck to the beast man.

"Brat can't you wait-" As he yelled at her the spiritual power in the talisman began shocking his body forcing him to rip them off.

With his distraction, she moves forward for a slash using as much physical strength as she could muster. However, while the man was big it didn't seem to do anything to hamper his speed as he dodged the blade rather easily.

"Kid, I'm not in your weight class at all, go try taking a bite out of something more soft like a wafer cookie." Despite his rugged and agitated tone, it was clear he very much was against actually fighting Kojika as he believed her to be a child likely not even in her teens.

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