Chapter 60 - Stalling All Father

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Marilyn made due on her promise to her apprentice Jeanne and now the young girl was laying on the ground unconscious in a large pool of sweat.

She knew her apprentice wasn't faking it as she lifted her foot and slammed it onto the blonde girl's head only to get no reaction at all.

"You really need to work on your stamina if you plan on trying to defeat the Four Great Satans." She said while grinding her foot into her apprentice, getting a small groan. Marilyn just liked stepping on people so she couldn't help herself.

It didn't help that her apprentice's antics were quite cute indeed. She had heard once that it was good to indulge a child's imagination and that's exactly what she did. Chaos Saint this, Dark Flame Empress that, while others seemed to find it annoying or even cringe at the fact that the current reincarnation of Joan of Arc seemed so irresponsible Marilyn thought it was good that she was allowed to be a child.

That was why she took in the girl as her apprentice indeed. Children should simply be allowed to be children. Plus she made for a good research subject given that Joan of Arc's soul gave quite a few boons as though it were a high-tier Sacred Gear.

Immunity to curses, natural holy sword user, the power to call on miracles in the same manner as the Angels, the ability to always choose the right path, enhanced charisma, and even a body that would not grow sick.

Undoubtedly out of all the people currently with "the destiny of a hero" she had the capability of being in the top 10. This was good since it meant she wouldn't die easily so long as Marilyn herself didn't cut corners in her training.

Marilyn could hold on to this cuteness for a while.

Moving her foot she bent down and with the care of a mother picked up Jeanne gingerly.

Pausing for a moment she stared at Jeanne's face despite the hellish training the girl was sleeping rather peacefully. Perhaps in fact too peacefully given that she was drooling.

Marilyn herself had always wanted to have kids, she dreamed of an amazing romance full of love and passion and purity like her brothers. However, due to the... circumstances of her birth her beauty made such a thing nearly impossible. Her beauty was a curse that drew out the worst in people.

Men and women alike would fight and kill each other just for the chance to hold her hand.

It was sickening that she would end up with such a curse from a mother that didn't even bat an eye at her existence, but at this point, all she could do is shrug her shoulders and say-

"What can you do?" The sound of a young woman's voice sounded throughout the new abandoned church Marilyn had decided to take up residence in.

"How tedious." Marilyn sighed, a different voice, and likely a different appearance but she still knew exactly who this person was. Looking behind her she saw a young woman with rather average or perhaps small breasts that were barely covered by the tight cloth that could barely be called clothing given how little it covered up.

She also had a very large and cumbersome-looking hat, a shawl or cloak of sorts, and of course, the dead give away of her- no HIS identity an eye patch over his right eye.

"What is it that you want Odin?" Marilyn sighed. Due to Odin's popularity and infamy rivaling that of Zeus and the Buddha he could move around quite freely in territories outside of his own. Even with this however, there was another reason why gods don't just saunter into the territory of others, obviously, that could be seen as a threat of some sort.

Odin however apparently didn't give a rats a** as he just did absolutely whatever he wanted. He was a god that just couldn't sit still ever.

"That's a good question." Odin responded with a vague smile.

Seraphim Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें