Chapter 38 - Prepared Pressure

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"You must be some kind of moron Rias Gremory. I can see why Cebrail doesn't like you." Azril chastised Rias the moment they got into the hallway and the wall closed behind them, locking them out of the path they came from.

"It isn't just about winning or losing, it's about how you win and how you lose!" Rias yells not taking too kindly to Azril calling her names.

"The weak have no right to choose things like that." Azril said harshly.

While the world isn't black and white those that are weak have no rights. They don't have the ability to decide whether their opponent lives or dies after just barely managing to squeak out a victory.

They don't have the right to make choices like that because they lack the strength to do anything more than protect themselves and even then they can't do that for very long. Because eventually a big fish will eat them whole.



Worthless sentiments that shouldn't even be thoughts in the head of someone as weak as Rias Gremory. At least in the opinion of Azril.

"Why does everyone keep calling me weak!?!" Rias yells, turning to the black haired Angel with her blue eyes full of fury.

Such eyes didn't do anything to shake Azril as her rage was only proof of her insecurities.

"Isn't it obviously because you're weak?"

"I am not!"

"You have the Power of Destruction and yet Cebrail still managed to kidnap you without a fight."

"T-That was a fluke! She used my one and only weakness against me!"

"Do you think you could do the same to Cebrail?" Azril asked a bit sarcastically. "Keep in mind that just like Cebrail you'll have to figure out a way to get past all of the servants in her house, her mothers secretary, and of course her mother."

"..." Rias was quiet as she thought about this, she knew the chances of her being able to accomplish such a thing were slim to none. "What if I tried kidnapping her when she was out?"

"Rias. You just aren't getting it." Azril sighed, giving up on trying to reason with the stubborn Devil. Eventually she would come to learn her lesson or she and her subordinates would die.

This world is ruled by power and power alone.

And the strong respect the strong.

Truly weak people are people who can't even tell that they're weak, can't even tell that they've just been swimming in a pond their whole life until they're thrown into the ocean.

"What do you mean I'm not getting it! If I caught her off guard while she was shopping or something-"

"Quiet." Azril interrupted Rias as the two reached a large set of doors leading to the garden.

On the door was a warning sign that read, "warning camels ahead."

"C-C-C-Camels!?! That's impossible! How'd they get camels here?" Rias questioned frightfully.

Azril looked at her from the corner of his eye and frowned.

Devils acted so much like Humans that it unsettled him.

Why would someone with the Power of Destruction be afraid of camels? Regular, normal, everyday camels.

It made no sense to him so he shook his head and stopped thinking about it instead focusing his attention forward.

It was obvious that the sign was meant to slow down Rias, but he couldn't understand if there was something else to this trap. If they truly wanted to win quickly they could've put the camels at the very start, then Cebrail could have likely defeated Rias right there without any fight at all for the most part.

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