Chapter 40 - Serpent's Fear

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The moment Rias Gremory was thrown through the doorway Latia ordered her serpent to breathe fire.

A stream of hot orange flames erupted from the Serpent's mouth enveloping a large portion of the garden in fire and melting all of the camel statues while burning away the roses with the sheer heat and power.

As the fire receded Azril was standing at the center, his arms up blocking his face. For the most part he was undamaged due to having set up a Light Power barrier around himself.

(A fire breathing serpent of all things...) Azril thought in annoyance. It was far too close to that of a dragon, and he could only assume that it had venom as well.

Indeed as troubling as it was to admit Angels are quite weak to snake venom just as Devils are weak to God's name. It isn't nearly as crippling of course, however it was quite troublesome in any situation in which one has to battle against a powerful mythical serpent. One might think it would be rare however... there are a lot of serpents in a lot of different mythologies. It's one of the universal symbols of Evil after all.

Azril couldn't guess what kind of mythical serpent Latia was riding, but it was obvious that he had to end things quickly either way.

Releasing his four white Angel wings he took off into the air just as another blade of wind hit the ground he had just been standing on.

Seeing him enter the air and his two sets of wings Latia hid her frown behind her fan.

Latia questioned her serpent calmly. "Astarot, do you think that you might be faster than him?"

The serpent was a 100 year old Yuxa, meaning it was quite young indeed and while it had a human form rather than being a drop dead gorgeous 10 out of 10 beauty it was a child that while pretty wasn't something any normal person would want to have kids with just yet.

"Astarot?" Latia said questioningly upon not hearing an answer from her new and perhaps temporary companion.

Azril, seeing that the duo weren't attacking, charged forward with a sword made of Light Power.

Astarot reared it scaled head backwards with wide terrified eyes as if it were about to flee, messing with the balance of Latia who were standing on top of it.

"W-Wait what are you doing Astarot?" Latia cried, she had done a pretty rushed job of taming it but it had been quite cooperative so far so why would it start acting up now?

Just as Azril was about to strike Astarot shut its eyes tightly and a poof of smoke enveloped both it and Latia.

Azril stopped instantly seeing this believing it to be some kind of trap. Poisonous gas perhaps? If that was so it would be difficult getting close to the creature and its master.

Unfortunately Azril's assumptions were proven completely incorrect as Latia's body began falling out of the sky.

"AHHHHHHH!" She screamed in terror as the ground began approaching closer and closer, she would probably survive the fall but definitely would be in need of medical attention for all the broken bones it would cause.

Just before she hit the ground though her momentum was stopped by something suddenly grabbing the back of her dress.

"Sorry!" The person who caught Latia yelled and looking up Latia saw a small child with reptilian wings on her back. She was cute with short boyish green hair and violet eyes, if one weren't looking carefully they might mistake the child for being a boy.

 She was cute with short boyish green hair and violet eyes, if one weren't looking carefully they might mistake the child for being a boy

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