Chapter fifty seven

301 7 1

6 weeks later

Evan POV

Snuggled up into my bed I heard the most atrocious banging on my door, rubbing my eyes I walked over and opened the door seeing a frantic Willa.

"It's- it's Athena" She choked with tears pooling down her face. Instantly I pulled her inside and wiped away her tears with my thumbs. "What's happened!?"

"She is really poorly, they are saying she has croup. It's very common but she had to go to hospital last night due to not breathing properly" Willa stated with panic, her fingers gripping her hair harshly.

I removed her hands and placed my hands on her face in replacement "listen, it's going to be okay. Let's go home and see our daughter"

She nodded and looked around "but- but we still have two weeks left of filming"

I shook my head "did the director not tell you? Filming has ended early as all our scenes are complete. He sent out an email last night so we are fine to go home"

Willa nodded and wrapped her arms around me frantically "I'm so worried Evan" she cried profusely. I rubbed her back and pulled her in closer, smelling her familiar perfume which was Coco Chanel.

The last few weeks since we kissed things have been pretty good between us, we weren't in a relationship so I had to hold my tongue when Charlie would flirt with her. But occasionally she would come to my trailer or vice versa and we would kiss and talk; trying to gain back the relationship we had. The intimate scenes between us weren't awkward at all though I was unsure of her breasts being filmed on camera; call me protective or whatever.

Finally we were both packed and ready to go back home, we made some good friends during our time so we said our goodbyes. Erin of course being most dramatic and telling us to message her as soon as we were home to tell her how Athena was, her concern was rather adorable but we learnt that that's a personality trait with her.

"I'm going to miss your faces so much" Erin whined with a pout, her arms not wanting to leave Willa's body.

"I will miss you too!" She responded back "too much, you're such a great friend"

I smiled "same applies here Erin, you're honestly a friend to last a lifetime. It's going to be sad not seeing your annoying face around here"

Scoffing she turned her head away "I'm not annoying thank you very much!"

I shrugged "if you say so, idiot" yet again teasing her which made her grumble.

"Man let us know how your daughter is please, I hope everything is okay" Lewis stated sadly as he wrapped an arm around me in a small hug.

"Of course, I'll keep you updated. Thank you and keep in touch"

Charlie then said his goodbyes but he was more so focusing on Willa, his attention never leaving which made me clench my jaw.

"Bye American, I'll miss your pretty face" He sighed with a pout.

Willa looked uncomfortable but smiled lightly "I'll miss you too"

Now leaving everyone we found ourselves a taxi waiting outside which we ordered, Willa was shaking with nerves but I tried my very hardest to keep her sane. It's not nice knowing your child is poorly.

"Our baby is going to be okay" I reassured again as we sat in the taxi, Willa looked so panic stricken and pale that it was starting to worry me. Don't get me wrong I was also extremely worried but I tried to keep up a front for Willa, I didn't want to see her crumble even more.


"Oh my goodness Athena" Willa cried as her mother came round to the house and dropped off our daughter.

Athena looked poorly, you could tell by the purple bags around her eyes and her flushed little nose. "Hey my baby" I spoke softly as I stroked her little face.

"Thank you so much for looking after her" Willa told her mother weakly.

"Honestly don't you worry. Anyway sweetie let me know how she gets on but I've got to go as your brother and sister are currently causing mayhem for your father"

"That's fine mom, thank you again" Willa responded as she hugged her intently. "I'll let you know how she gets on"

Willa's mother left, leaving just us three in the house. Athena was in Willa's arms and cuddled up in a blanket. "She looks so unwell doesn't she" I sighed with tired eyes.

I was jet lagged and also now coming down from so much worry stirring in my stomach. "We should probably get to sleep, it's late. You can stay here tonight" Willa told me with soft eyes "I'm not going to let you go home when you're this tired"

I nodded softly "thank you"

Grabbing Athena from Willa's arms I gave her a cuddle, letting her little body rest perfectly with mine. "You gave mummy and daddy an awful scare baby"

We made our way upstairs, careful not to wake up our daughter. I placed her down into her cot softly, making sure she looked comfortable and of course she went down without any fuss. She looked the most tired out of all of us.

"Children scare the living shit out of their parents.." I chuckled whilst shaking my head.

Willa grabbed my hand and rested her body into my side "they sure do and I doubt I'll ever get used to it"

I nodded in agreement "just one of the perks I suppose you could say. But it's because you love them so much- too much. You feel like your heart is going to burst"

Looking down at Athena I noticed how big and chunky she had gotten since I last saw her, her little lip was jutted out and her hair messily draped across her forehead. She had a mop of light hair that looked hard to tame but I would leave that up to Willa to make use of; I was terrible with hair.

"Right... you can sleep in the spare room. You may have a few shirts hanging around if you look in the closet"

I smiled towards Willa "that works for me. I'll see you in the morning" planting a soft kiss on her cheek I felt her cheeks warm.

"I'll see you in the morning Evan, sleep well"

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