Chapter nineteen

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3 months later

"Evan, stop it" I groaned as he wiped pancake mix over my nose. "You'll pay for that!"

Evan quickly ran away from me which I followed after him hastily, tackling him to the floor and pouring flour all over him.

"Okay- okay you've got me" He surrendered with his arms raised. "You win"

"Good, I always win. You look like Casper the ghost" I cried with giggles fitting from my throat. Buckling over in the process.

Evan frowned now tickling my sides which made me gasp, making me fall backwards with Evan now on top, the tickling making tears fall out of my eyes. "It's too much- Evan stop" I laughed manically.

"Take it back, I'm not Casper"

Staring at him I laughed even more, his face was absolutely caked and he looked unrecognisable. "I can't- you're l-literally Casper" I stuttered between giggles.

Evan snickered now edging his face close to mine, he was now inches away from me. "Well Casper would like a kiss"

He then melted his lips onto mine softly with the flour covering my cheeks also. Though I wasn't complaining; I was just enjoying the affection. Grabbing the back of his neck I pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss.

"You taste like flour" I murmured into it making him pull back with a frown "do you not like it?" I shook my head, pulling him back. "I love it Evan Peters"

Evan and I still hadn't put a label on things, we were still classed as friends who would share kisses now and again. We hadn't slept together or even talked about being partners due to the fact I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Though it was undeniable where my heart was; I had truly fallen in love with this man and I hoped he felt the same way back.

"Now, we are going on that date" Evan stated, picking himself off the floor. "This time we will go on the most amazing date you can imagine"

Smiling wide I nodded enthusiastically "I wouldn't miss it for the world"

Evan slapped my arse playfully which made me look at him with shock "now get your ass in the shower before I take you up there myself"

Blushing I playfully shoved him "you're a mess yourself. How about you get in the shower Casper"

"Oh- was than an invite. Did you want me to shower with you?" he said whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

Rolling my eyes I shook my head "no Evan! use the other one. Acting like you only have one shower..."

Evan shrugged "it was worth a shot"

Running into the bathroom I undressed, letting the water dance over my body; removing the pancake mix and flour.

Time was definitely a healer and with Evan by my side it made things much easier to deal with, though the nightmares were worse than before so I hadn't slept properly for a very long time.

My body was healing slowly; scars scattered my legs and arms but I couldn't help that. I was putting weight back on again and fitting back into my old clothes again which was nice to see; no longer the deathly looking woman like before.

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